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Bug 100 - Conversion error in ft_sourcestatistics

Reported 2010-07-01 14:33:00 +0200
Modified 2011-01-06 09:14:47 +0100
Product: FieldTrip
Component: plotting
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC
Operating System: Linux
Importance: P1 enhancement
Assigned to: Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen
Depends on:
See also:

Tim Engelkes - 2010-07-01 14:33:38 +0200

With data from sourceanalysis as input e.g. sourcePost and sourcePre like in the wiki tutorial the following error occurs cfg.parameter=avg (In case of parameter pow it is not recognized). ??? The following error occurred converting from struct to double: Error using ==> double Conversion to double from struct is not possible. Error in ==> statistics_wrapper>get_source_avg at 532 dat(:,i) = tmp(:); Error in ==> statistics_wrapper at 194 [dat, cfg] = get_source_avg(cfg, varargin{:}); Error in ==> ft_sourcestatistics at 116 [stat, cfg] = statistics_wrapper(cfg, varargin{:});

Robert Oostenveld - 2010-12-01 16:10:07 +0100

is this fixed with the new implementation?

Robert Oostenveld - 2011-01-03 13:33:53 +0100

with the following cd /Volumes/home/common/matlab/fieldtrip/data/ftp/beamformer load source cfg = [] cfg.method = 'montecarlo' cfg.statistic = 'indepsamplesT' cfg.parameter = 'pow' = [1 2] cfg.ivar = 1 cfg.numrandomization = 10 ft_sourcestatistics(cfg, sourcePost, sourcePre) I was not able to reproduce the problem any more.