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Bug 1475 - Alignment of layout problem in ft_plot_topo.m

Reported 2012-05-15 09:05:00 +0200
Modified 2012-08-23 10:35:11 +0200
Product: FieldTrip
Component: plotting
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC
Operating System: Linux
Importance: P3 normal
Assigned to: Eelke Spaak
Depends on:
See also:

Craig Richter - 2012-05-15 09:05:16 +0200

Created attachment 267 Topo bug When plotting using the ft_topoplot** commands the layout is not aligned with the surface, and the comments are also out of alignment. The screeshots show the problem after the update to ft_plot_topo.m 5715 by eelspa. Using the code prior to this modification results in a proper output.

Eelke Spaak - 2012-05-19 11:27:31 +0200

I recently changed the handling of units of layout files, and a scaling was applied in ft_plot_topo that was ignored in ft_plot_lay, resulting in this mismatch. Everything should be fixed in revision 5787; apologies for any inconvenience.

Robert Oostenveld - 2012-05-22 12:21:37 +0200

I have added the following to plotting/README manzana> svn commit README Sending README Transmitting file data . Committed revision 5792. ------- The following functions are used for displaying data in 2-D ft_plot_box.m ft_plot_lay.m ft_plot_line.m ft_plot_text.m ft_plot_topo.m ft_plot_vector.m ft_plot_matrix.m ft_plot_montage.m ft_plot_ortho.m (can also be used for 3-D display) ft_plot_slice.m (can also be used for 3-D display) The following functions are used for displaying data in 3-D ft_plot_dipole.m ft_plot_headshape.m ft_plot_topo3d.m ft_plot_vol.m ft_plot_mesh.m ft_plot_sens.m The following functions are used for graphical user interaction ft_uilayout.m ft_select_box.m ft_select_channel.m ft_select_circle.m ft_select_contour.m ft_select_point.m ft_select_point3d.m ft_select_range.m ft_select_voxel.m ------- The bug relates to the consistency of the 2D functions. I now notice that the ft_plot_lay function also plots boxes and text without using the corresponding functions but using local code instead. Probably that is more efficient. It should be checked that the 2D locations are identical. I suggest to make a test script that takes a template layout and passes it (with random potential data) through the following functions: ft_plot_box.m ft_plot_lay.m ft_plot_line.m ft_plot_text.m ft_plot_topo.m ft_plot_vector.m ft_plot_matrix.m ft_plot_montage.m All graphical outputs should be nicely aligned.

Eelke Spaak - 2012-06-08 14:23:59 +0200

see bug 1511 for the test scripts

Eelke Spaak - 2012-08-23 10:35:11 +0200

closing my bugs