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Bug 2718 - ft_sourceplot refers to ft_prepare_atlas

Reported 2014-10-02 13:44:00 +0200
Modified 2015-07-15 13:30:49 +0200
Product: FieldTrip
Component: documentation
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC
Operating System: Mac OS
Importance: P5 normal
Assigned to: Jim Herring
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See also:

Jim Herring - 2014-10-02 13:44:09 +0200

ft_sourceplot refers to ft_prepare_atlas, should be removed

Jim Herring - 2014-10-02 13:48:15 +0200

grep -r "FT_PREPARE_ATLAS" ./ ./.svn/text-base/ft_volumelookup.m.svn-base:% or the WFU atlasses available from see FT_PREPARE_ATLAS ./.svn/text-base/ft_sourceplot.m.svn-base:% cfg.atlas = string, filename of atlas to use (default = []) SEE FT_PREPARE_ATLAS ./.svn/text-base/ft_sourceplot.m.svn-base:% FT_VOLUMELOOKUP, FT_PREPARE_ATLAS, FT_READ_MRI ./utilities/.svn/text-base/ft_convert_coordsys.m.svn-base:% anatomical or functional atlas, see FT_PREPARE_ATLAS ./utilities/ft_convert_coordsys.m:% anatomical or functional atlas, see FT_PREPARE_ATLAS ./test/.svn/text-base/test_datatype_segmentation.m.svn-base:% For example, the AFNI TTatlas+tlrc segmented brain atlas (which can be created with FT_PREPARE_ATLAS) looks like this ./test/test_datatype_segmentation.m:% For example, the AFNI TTatlas+tlrc segmented brain atlas (which can be created with FT_PREPARE_ATLAS) looks like this ./compat/.svn/text-base/ft_prepare_atlas.m.svn-base:% FT_PREPARE_ATLAS reads in a specified atlas with coordinates and ./compat/ft_prepare_atlas.m:% FT_PREPARE_ATLAS reads in a specified atlas with coordinates and I'll fix the documentation in these cases

Jim Herring - 2014-10-02 13:57:03 +0200

Sending ft_sourceplot.m Sending ft_volumelookup.m Sending utilities/ft_convert_coordsys.m Transmitting file data ... Committed revision 9872.