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Bug 3150 - critical value for indepsamplesT

Reported 2016-06-20 11:21:00 +0200
Modified 2016-06-20 11:36:38 +0200
Product: FieldTrip
Component: core
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC
Operating System: Mac OS
Importance: P5 normal
Assigned to: Robert Oostenveld
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Robert Oostenveld - 2016-06-20 11:21:49 +0200

Cris wrote: Another participant in Coimbra tried to run intependent t-test with different subject numbers (14 vs 19) and using ft_freqstatistics and got an error acout no being able to determine the critical value for the t-stat Maybe wrong input data?

Robert Oostenveld - 2016-06-20 11:36:38 +0200

I did the following, which works for me. Do you know more details of what failed? ---------- condition1 = {}; condition2 = {}; nsamples = 100000; %% create the data for i=1:14 timelock = []; timelock.dimord = 'chan_time'; timelock.label = {'1'}; timelock.time = 1:nsamples; timelock.avg = 1+randn(1,nsamples); condition1{i} = timelock; end for i=1:19 timelock = []; timelock.dimord = 'chan_time'; timelock.label = {'1'}; timelock.time = 1:nsamples; timelock.avg = 1+randn(1,nsamples); condition2{i} = timelock; end %% do the statistics cfg = []; cfg.method = 'analytic'; cfg.statistic = 'indepsamplesT'; cfg.correctm = 'no'; = [1*ones(1,14) 2*ones(1,19)]; cfg.ivar = 1; stat = ft_timelockstatistics(cfg, condition1{:}, condition2{:}); %% this is not part of the bug report, but easy to check here assert(mean(stat.mask)>0.05-0.02, 'not enough false alarms'); assert(mean(stat.mask)<0.05+0.02, 'too many false alarms');