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Bug 893 - freqstatistics fails for fourier input data with a rpttap in the dimord
Reported | 2011-08-24 14:43:00 +0200 |
Modified | 2011-08-31 14:50:08 +0200 |
Product: | FieldTrip |
Component: | core |
Version: | unspecified |
Hardware: | PC |
Operating System: | Windows |
Importance: | P1 normal |
Assigned to: | Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen |
URL: | |
Tags: | |
Depends on: | |
Blocks: | |
See also: |
Laura Marzetti - 2011-08-24 14:43:15 +0200
on line 239 % create the 'dat' matrix here dat = data.(cfg.parameter); siz = size(dat); dimtok = tokenize(data.dimord, '_'); rptdim = find(ismember(dimtok, {'rpt' 'subj'})); permutevec = [setdiff(1:numel(siz), rptdim) rptdim]; % permutation vector to put the repetition dimension as last dimension reshapevec = [prod(siz(permutevec(1:end-1))) siz(rptdim)]; % reshape vector to reshape into 2D dat = reshape(permute(dat, permutevec), reshapevec);% actually reshape the data this code fails for dimord=rpttap_chan_freq_time, causing rptdim to remain empty and the reshape to error. it should do if isempty(rptdim) error('cannot determine the dimension corresponding to the repetitions') end and of course rpttap should be added