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- 61 - this is a test bug
- 494 - Problems reading events with ft_read_event
- 495 - test bug
- 594 - yokogawa trigger channels are not correctly detected
- 595 - reading a few channel from an sqd file is very slow and takes too much memory
- 597 - channel labels in meg160 software user-interface start with "000" and not with "001"
- 661 - ft_chantype needs to be updated to use the channel labels
- 682 - MEG64
- 796 - implement support for yokogawa440 system
- 801 - ft_senslabel does not recognize yokogawa160 again, but instead finds yokogawa440(_old_planar)
- 804 - some MEG channels do not have correct coil positions and orientations
- 805 - yokogawa440 layout should be reconstructed
- 1216 - when calling ft_read_event(), different results from version 20110907 and the beta-test
- 1455 - yokogawa2grad_new
- 1494 - update yokogawa to the latest version 1.04.01 of 01-Nov-2011
- 2076 - For some YOKOGAWA .con file, ft_read_data() could not read all samples