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- 67 - convert_units and estimate_units are missing
- 96 - ft_prepare_leadfield does nothing
- 105 - Bug in ft_prepare_mesh breaks SPM8, please fix urgently
- 111 - discover thread does not want to start when compiled on matlab2009+msvc2008
- 266 - ModEEG cannot read from Bluetooth
- 409 - ft_compute_leadfield crashes without vol.skin_surface field for bemcp BEM
- 414 - beamformer tutorial needs a little restructiring
- 436 - ft_rejectvisual makes inefficient (or no?) use of ft_checkdata
- 472 - Matlab crashes after call to ft_write_data
- 494 - Problems reading events with ft_read_event
- 498 - Numerical accuracy affecting usage of "nearest" on time axes
- 531 - ft_freqanalysis does not work properly with mtmconvol and 'keeprpt' = 1
- 564 - something goes wrong with reading tutorial dataset, any recent changes in fileio?
- 576 - timelock_neuromag122 seems to contain data from a 306-channel system
- 665 - ft_definetrial / trialfun_general fails
- 825 - mutexlock in combination with outputfile fails in ft_freqanalysis when ft_checkconfig is strictly removing unused cfg options
- 840 - resample error
- 933 - Fieldtrip buffer stops and freezes Matlab
- 950 - ft_megrealign does not properly take balancing into account
- 1000 - create doodle for social event
- 1158 - Wrong channeighbstructmat in newer ft versions
- 1172 - No events for BrainAmp acquisition
- 1200 - matlab crashing when starting to use FieldTrip
- 1216 - when calling ft_read_event(), different results from version 20110907 and the beta-test
- 1224 - Time for Bowling!
- 1237 - ft_getopt fails on windows 64-bit systems
- 1355 - there is a bug in ft_volumesegment
- 1388 - ftp-server fieldtrips don't seem to be updated
- 1418 - ft_selectdata_old fails on output of ft_connectivityanalysis when called as: selectdata(data,'channel',chansel)
- 1426 - the openmeeg volume conduction model fails in some test scripts
- 1440 - fixname doesn't parse filename correctly leading to error in warning once
- 1480 - struct() crashes on config-object when this object contains a struct array with one of the fields being itself a struct
- 1485 - Illogical ~Jan-Mathijssing in megplanar
- 1525 - misalignment of sample number between event and data
- 1657 - bug in memorizing the birthday of one of the most valued core members
- 1704 - Crash when preparing layout for Neuromag
- 1749 - problem with ft_artifacft_zvalue
- 1771 - test_tutorial_clusterpermutationfreq only passes on odd revisions... a.k.a. 'the pulsar'
- 1774 - bug binge on 10 October 2012
- 1781 - ft_version breaks
- 1798 - changes in ft_votype or ft_datatype_headmodel lead to crash or halt
- 1912 - SPM8 integration test script crashes on local-spheres model
- 1977 - unexpected interaction between masking and the handling of nan values
- 2019 - sensor fusion in neurmag system
- 2022 - nanmean and nansum .mex files bug crashes matlab
- 2069 - freqstatistics does not respect channel order in data
- 2101 - Provenance very big, makes plotting and executing functions very slow
- 2156 - ft_megplanar.m fails when there is a channel label with less than 3 characters
- 2182 - ft_freqanalysis does not support the method 'mvar'
- 2220 - demeaning with a baseline and ft_preprocessing does not work
- 2414 - Neuralynx headers include unicode characters, which can crash ft_read_neuralynx_interp
- 2429 - Individual BEM, Leadfield and Electrode rotatetd
- 2456 - ft_volumerealign gives no output
- 2750 - MatLab2014b for Mac
- 2754 - selectdata does not avgovertime
- 2785 - ft_timelockgrandaverage selects wrong time window and thus returns wrong results
- 2907 - read_eep_trg.mex* behave differently that read_eep_trg.m on files with magic number "RIFF"
- 2927 - ft_warning: missing ignore field. I.e. who warns the warning?
- 2948 - migrate external FieldTrip SVN away from google code
- 3008 - FDR thresholding wrong
- 3009 - pnt/pos renaming in ft_average_sens breaks SPM functionality
- 3051 - ft_read_header jams for Neuromag .fiff file, because reliance on "fiff_read_epochs" that does not appear part of MNE toolbox
- 3064 - rollback_provenance in ft_multiplotER breaks trial selection
- 3068 - ft_warning crashes when stack contains > 63 character name
- 3077 - nargin seems to be both a variable and a function in ft_rejectcomponent
- 3108 - Field Trip 20160415 dpss function impairment
- 3135 - ft_channelselection selects channels it shouldn't because wild card is added
- 3144 - ft_checkdata_sens returns error when using MEG structs that worked fine last week
- 3295 - ft_appenddata does not only select the channels present in all data structures anymore
- 3376 - nanmean crashes after Windows update
- 3404 - ft_apply_montage makes up (missing) channels
- 3439 - OpenMEEG test does not pass
- 3440 - OpenMEEG pipeline conflicts
- 3455 - Reading EDF breaks on syntax errors and more