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- 132 - sobi hsould be added to external/eeglab
- 196 - external/afni: isrow is a builtin in Matlab R2010b
- 248 - add mini-spm8 version to fieldtrip/external
- 469 - executables for dipoli
- 482 - integrate FNS FEM solver
- 484 - integrate SIMBIO FEM solver
- 553 - design test scripts for FNS and SIMBIO FEM solvers
- 585 - invalid MEX file error in clusterstat
- 632 - writing test file for SimBio
- 633 - write test file for FNS
- 645 - Increase the speed of reading in xml files, Anyone an idea how to??
- 666 - CTF system fault writing data?
- 916 - read_eep_cnt does not work under linux 32bit
- 959 - add the compilation instructions for the vgrid binary
- 1366 - add a small version of biosig file reading functions to fieldtrip/external
- 1566 - .offset output in eeglab2fieldtrip obsolete
- 1740 - replace FINITE with ISFINITE in SPM2 external
- 1741 - ft_read_mri: SPM2 added by default for .mnc volumes
- 1772 - load_dicom_series structure mismatch
- 1783 - wfu AAL atlas has a bug; need full update to version 3.0.3 on /home/common
- 1835 - external/dss includes a lot of files that are not needed
- 1837 - clean up the external/simbio directory
- 1840 - ft_read_headshape has to be extended to allow the import of FEM meshes
- 1992 - why no use spm8/canonical/avg152T1.nii instead of spm8/templates/T1.nii?
- 2143 - store meanvar from runica in output of ft_componentanalysis?
- 2247 - there is no correspondence resulting from the modification
- 2248 - error in openmeeg test script due to elecpos
- 2271 - "testOpenMEEGeeg.m" gives error
- 2338 - revise the openmeeg BEM implementation and ensure it works
- 2371 - test_bug70 fails sporadically
- 2400 - FT randsample samples with replacement, while the statistics toolbox does not
- 2494 - Errors importing Yokogawa data with fieldtrip-20140303 version
- 2497 - implement test scripts for fieldtrip/external/stats and fieldtrip/external/signal drop-in replacement functions
- 2524 - ft_write_mri (nii output) incorrectly writes non 1mm isotropic data.
- 2595 - make regression test script for EEGLAB dipfit plugin
- 2599 - biosig: mvar functionality missing
- 2611 - loading dicom series on Windows machine fails
- 2733 - add a drop-in replacement function for stats/zscore
- 2770 - eeglab2fieldtrip does not know how to deal with the EEG structure with interpolated channels
- 2793 - add mini version of spm12 to fieldtrip/external
- 2818 - ft_interpolatenan - Specialcase error
- 2819 - Matlab2014b causing error with cfg.artfctdefvalue.zvalue.interactive
- 2881 - Topographic plotting for fNIRS data not possible
- 2882 - Write a tutorial for analysing NIRS data (or NIRS/EEG data)
- 2892 - add support in ft_analysispipeline for Tim's Pipeline Program
- 2902 - extend EEGLAB integration regression test script
- 2907 - read_eep_trg.mex* behave differently that read_eep_trg.m on files with magic number "RIFF"
- 2914 - NIRS data should support event/trigger reading of AD channels
- 2964 - add support for blackrock data
- 2984 - Nonlinear normalisation distortions
- 3045 - tcdf in external/stats is not fully compatible with its counterpart in matlab R2015b
- 3047 - update Brain Connectivity Toolbox to latest version
- 3175 - ft_hastoolbox('spm',1): SPM toolbox not installed
- 3181 - Reading in of oxy3 files asks for optodetemplate for each trial
- 3255 - align_ctf2spm does not support spm12
- 3282 - which fails as system command on windows for openmeeg
- 3288 - SPM12 mex files fail with Matlab 2017a
- 3289 - write mesh vista with anisotropy conductivity tensor on windows
- 3290 - When compiling for x64 on windows using VS2015 there are linker errors with pthreadVC2.lib
- 3322 - ft_timelockstatistics using spm 8, not compatible with Matlab 2017
- 3331 - functions names in @cell from cellfunction folder cause issues with MATLAB tables
- 3365 - invalid spm_bwlabel mex mac file under matlab2017b
- 3402 - external/gifti mexfiles presumably not compatible with matlab v2017+
- 3405 - Unable to execute ft_prepare_headmodel due to MEX bug "Library not loaded"
- 3410 - ft_headmodel_dipoli doesn't work
- 3429 - read_neuralynx_ncs directs to wrong mex file version
- 3441 - Duplicate trials when reading neuroscan CNT files
- 3449 - FT filtfilt function masks the MATLAB filtfilt function
- 3474 - eeglab2fieldtrip function needs to be updated with more fields