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- 125 - bug related to renaming of rt_* files
- 143 - rename the rda2ft directory to brainamp
- 156 - Buffer MEX file does not convert 0-based to 1-based sample indices.
- 168 - ft_ prefixes are missing in the code (all realtime functions)
- 231 - offset2time does not exist on the standard path
- 232 - matlab71 does not have mwSize, buffer won't compile
- 236 - ctf acquisition cannot keep up with 407 channels at 600 Hz
- 262 - consistent naming for tmsi
- 263 - check the status of the fieldtrip module in openvibe
- 266 - ModEEG cannot read from Bluetooth
- 270 - add mex files and other code for controlling vnc server
- 439 - move and rename some realtime executables
- 440 - the realtime directories shoudl get README and COPYING files
- 441 - implement ft_realtime_signalrecorder
- 442 - the cfg defaults for the mri and meg headlocalizers should be specific to our lab computers
- 443 - merge ft_poll_buffer into ft_read_data
- 444 - move the serPort in ft_omri_quality with ft_write_event
- 445 - move decoding of omri SAP/nifti into fileio/private
- 446 - reorganize the development/realtime documentation
- 466 - check dependencies for matlab datasource functions
- 472 - Matlab crashes after call to ft_write_data
- 496 - the "properties" code is obsolete and should be removed from the buffer c-library
- 733 - demo_buffer.c (which is buffer.exe) has an unused 1st argument
- 738 - ft_read_event and ft_read_data have to be made faster
- 748 - close buffer cleanly
- 774 - Realtime motion monitoring in MRI fails
- 933 - Fieldtrip buffer stops and freezes Matlab
- 934 - Matlab does not shutdown properly
- 940 - confusing *intended* error appears in GdfWriter.h
- 985 - ft_chantype does not recognize headcoil sensors as such
- 1020 - read memory error during acquisition
- 1156 - Collaborate with TOBI on acquisition interoperability
- 1164 - Keeping the code running when a anomalous packet type presents itself
- 1172 - No events for BrainAmp acquisition
- 1208 - functions for real-time interface with mysql database are missing
- 1209 - Error in Java buffer reader and
- 1217 - running ft_realtime_headlocalizer on realtime MEG pc is problematic
- 1246 - Biosemi2ft has undefined state for the split-trigger config option if not specified.
- 1263 - Contact Artinis for updated buffer for in NIRS acquisition
- 1322 - clean up old test scripts from realtime/biosemi implementation
- 1337 - typo bug and wrong path
- 1346 - Not all executables in the realtime dir compile correctly.
- 1352 - implement tia server and client interface as alternative to fieldtrip buffer
- 1364 - rda2ft converts a 'S 1' simulus into an int32 -1 value
- 1382 - saving buffer (recording app in realtime/utilities/playback) not saving all data
- 1394 - Clean up structure of realtime dir
- 1395 - Clean up buffer reference implementation
- 1428 - implement blocking in ft_read_data
- 1453 - Implement get_hdr_wo_chnks (get header without chunks)
- 1532 - Siemens acquisition software cannot be recompiled
- 1560 - clean up file extensions in realtime/bin directory
- 1582 - The biosemi acqisition does compile not on OSX when targeting 64-bit.
- 1595 - symbolic link in tobi messes up svn on windows disk
- 1603 - copy the demo_buffer application to utilities/buffer
- 1604 - pthreads dlls should only be in external, not in buffer
- 1605 - fieldtrip/realtime/src/acquisition/brainamp directory is empty
- 1638 - Install the realtime head localizer in Frankfurt
- 1644 - optional display of dewar/sensors in combination with realtime MEG headlocalizer
- 1653 - Artinis is missing on the bci implementation page
- 1667 - improve the caching implementation in ft_read_data
- 1676 - realtime folder not added properly due to restructuiring of subfolders
- 1681 - MEG qualitycheck has not processed recent datatsets (since july)
- 1687 - fieldtrip buffer implementation in BCI2000 fails
- 1726 - ctf realtime buffer acq2ftx naming inconsistencies
- 1773 - ft_read_header should be made faster
- 1784 - How to stop the buffer inside the matlab?
- 1787 - WAIT_DAT on events depends on incoming data
- 1792 - implement the realtime head localiser for the Elekta neuromag system
- 1838 - Wrong path in the -I and -L flags in the buffer compile.m
- 1923 - implement a eventgui or event2ft interface
- 1928 - the realtime compile script and Makefiles write to the wrong location
- 1949 - all source code in realtime/bin/win32 needs to be recompiled
- 1961 - make an implementation of the buffer client for the arduino
- 1970 - inconsistent byte swapping in float32 for communication between Intel and Arduino (endianness)
- 2150 - buffer recording hangs when writing with mobita
- 2176 - support real time fMRI for VB17 on Skyra
- 2309 - Java Buffer Client : bug fix for freeze when buffer disconnects unexpectedly
- 2341 - recompile the buffer mex file for neuromag_fif support
- 2472 - void* does not work on VC2010
- 2581 - thinkgear2ft.exe cannot connect to the neurosky mindwave event through neurosky thinkgear
- 2582 - improve support for ft_realtime_micromedproxy
- 2872 - implement support for Jinga-Hi JAGA16 system
- 2944 - add java implementation for openbci and realtime buffer server
- 2952 - build scripts for audio2ft for linux
- 3099 - support multiple buffers in buffer.exe stand-alone application
- 3185 - incompatibility of ft_realtime_headlocalizer and new CTF hardware electronics
- 3198 - add the sample number as extra channel for openbci
- 3210 - implement a fieldtrip realtime buffer client in node js
- 3265 - support FT buffer on win64
- 3273 - implement realtime interface to gtec by means of gNEEDaccess
- 3281 - implement ft2audio
- 3306 - implement an interface for the openbci gangion board
- 3318 - implement support for the 16-channel OpenBCI cyton board
- 3375 - support visualization of realistic head and dewar models for ft_realtime_headlocalizer
- 3400 - ft_realtime_headlocalizer does not work in the MEG-LAB