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- 55 - speed up read_event for realtime reading from CTF shm
- 66 - convert_units and estimate_units are missing
- 67 - convert_units and estimate_units are missing
- 70 - rank-reduction of leadfield is not supported for openmeeg
- 81 - missing private functions in fieldtrip/inverse
- 113 - missing figures dipole fit
- 114 - Symmetric dipoles example scripts need updates and illustration
- 131 - Incorporate Gareth Barnes's fix to make single shell model unit independent
- 222 - different methods are used for triangular mesh decimation
- 227 - grids containing leadfields should contain a label to make the interpretation of the leadfield less ambiguous
- 243 - ft_headmodel_halfspace should be implemented for EEG
- 244 - ft_headmodel_singleshell should be implemented
- 249 - problem in local sphere handling
- 302 - sourceanalysis fails due to ft_prepare_leadfield throwing away the data
- 342 - ft_voltype documentation should contain a list of types
- 355 - development: new functions for creating cortical mesh (using FreeSurfer)
- 356 - development: creating cortical mesh (using FreeSurfer) works only on .mri data
- 373 - new function related to source space: ft_reducepatch
- 408 - ft_prepare_vol_sens assumes the existence of elec.tra which is usually not true
- 409 - ft_compute_leadfield crashes without vol.skin_surface field for bemcp BEM
- 415 - ft_checkcoordsys
- 417 - ft_prepare_sens_vol does not work for EEG
- 418 - ft_prepare_leadfield: variable "grid" is not initialized
- 555 - ft_plot_mesh on reference channels
- 621 - creating a brainmask in MNE pipeline is not in FT style
- 678 - volume conductor doesn't look good
- 686 - the input and output units of ft_compute_leadfield should be determined
- 698 - development: code is not in FT style
- 727 - misleading help about cfg options in ft_volumesegment causes error
- 765 - singleshell head model should foresee a smoothing function
- 773 - ft_compute_leadfield: cfg.pos as Nx3 and reducerank='yes' gives wrong results
- 906 - ft_senstype does not recognize the type of sensors for some of the data on /home/common
- 927 - ft_prepare_femmodel should be removed
- 939 - determine the status of project
- 954 - bug in ft_prepare_singleshell in fieldtrip version 20110911
- 957 - ft_volumewrite should not be called in leadfield_fns
- 958 - what happens if simbio is not available or if the computer is a pc?
- 980 - ft_prepare_vol_sens loses vol.unit along the way
- 1023 - rename headmodel_strip into headmodel_slab
- 1028 - ft_compute_leadfield should use warning_once
- 1029 - fix inconsistent naming of forward solutions
- 1040 - ft_prepare_sourcemodel cannot find potential inside dipoles...
- 1042 - leadfields do not scale appropriately with the conductivity
- 1072 - the 'geometry' input field is inconsistent across forward models
- 1075 - ft_prepare_singleshell doesn't work
- 1082 - the sign of OM lead fields and singlesphere seems to be inverted
- 1085 - and vol.skin_surface are not consistent across head models functions
- 1115 - ft_headmodel_concentricspheres fails
- 1121 - ft_prepare_headmodel singleshell method does not work
- 1134 - defaults for forward headmodel functions should be specified at the low level
- 1154 - add the scirun format to the read headshape
- 1166 - add option headshape and hdmfile to all fwd routines
- 1314 - consider incorporating MNI source grids into ft_prepare_sourcemodel
- 1317 - implement forward solution based on leadfield interpolation
- 1345 - solid_angle does not work in windows 64bit
- 1360 - generate mesh artifact functions
- 1362 - vol structure does not contain a .mat field, which leads ft_prepare_leadfield to crash
- 1368 - leadfield normalization fails for openmeeg forward solution
- 1386 - ft_prepare_headmodel should call ft_hastoolbox when cfg.smooth = 'yes'
- 1402 - Error in ft_senstype at 188, Reference to non-existent field 'nChans'.
- 1426 - the openmeeg volume conduction model fails in some test scripts
- 1457 - OpenMEEG should come packaged with FieldTrip
- 1507 - ft_dipolefitting crashes due to dependence on Fixed-Point Toolbox
- 1510 - BEM meshes seem to be intersecting in MEG forward model with openmeeg
- 1517 - dipole fitting dependent on optimization_toolbox
- 1524 - Add support for neuroscan surface meshes *.tri
- 1528 - implement test script based on the various EEG data that is available
- 1584 - singleshell nolte options should be specified in the vol structure, not in a cfg field
- 1587 - ensure consistent handling of skin/skull/brain/source surfaces in vol
- 1590 - simbio fem modeling should be documented
- 1613 - Unnecessary Yokogawa warning
- 1646 - ft_prepare_mesh_new needs to be integrated with ft_prepare_mesh
- 1651 - inconsistent binary masks in ft_volumesegment that leads to error in ft_prepare_mesh
- 1652 - redesign the functions that use segmentations and clarify the representation for segmentation and parcellation
- 1662 - implement support for the scirun data format and use it as FEM testcase
- 1672 - test_headmodel_infinite fails
- 1679 - small bug in ft_prepare_headmodel
- 1745 - test_ft_prepare_localspheres.m fails
- 1756 - ft_voltype not work with bem, or 'bnd' field not detected correctly
- 1766 - check the test_headmodel_xxx scripts
- 1780 - prepare_singleshell to ft_prepare_singleshell?
- 1782 - prepare_singleshell in ft_prepare_headmodel is using imfill
- 1794 - ft_prepare_leadfield output discrepancy between cm and mm units for predefined grid
- 1799 - ft_prepare_leadfield fails due to infinite loop in
- 1812 - ft_electroderealign doesn't work (probably because of ft_datatype_sens)
- 1815 - ft_prepare_mesh should make hexahedral mesh
- 1816 - extend ft_volumesegment with FSL BET and FAST
- 1817 - ft_prepare_sourcemodel should deal with input/output for simbio headmodel
- 1818 - ft_read_headshape has to be made consistent with new segmentation/parcellation
- 1819 - ft_read_headshape should return the label for tetgen files
- 1820 - ft_headmodel_simbio needs to be updated
- 1821 - test_headmodel_simbio needs to be updated
- 1823 - make a MNI template brain available using SIMBIO FEM
- 1826 - make a version of ft_volumerealign that can align T1, T2, PD, CT, DTi and such to each other
- 1852 - create test script for dataunits in ft_prepare_vol_sens
- 1869 - forward/ft_senstype.m calls non existing sens variable
- 1908 - ensure consistent units for the headmodel functions
- 1912 - SPM8 integration test script crashes on local-spheres model
- 1925 - surface_nesting.m and ft_headmodel_bemcp.m shell order backwards?
- 1926 - test_ft_prepare_singleshell fails
- 1947 - ft_voltype incorrectly detects a biosemi128 elec structure as a volume
- 1954 - ft_prepare_head_model has singular matrices with 'bemcp'
- 1967 - ft_prepare_vol_sens needs to be updated for simbio
- 2017 - CTF segmentation
- 2025 - 'infinite' forward model not working properly
- 2026 - Suggestion for MRI and MEG coregistration (particularly useful for neuromag users)
- 2030 - improve documentation for installing openmmeeg
- 2070 - Sensor Type ASA_ELC is missing from ft_senstype and ft_senslabel
- 2092 - Help Needed for FEM code
- 2102 - ft_determine_coordsys
- 2109 - Apply SSP vectors read from a raw file
- 2115 - make a standard_fem volume conduction model
- 2117 - add cortical sheet sourcemodels to fieldtrip/template/sourcemodel
- 2178 - prepare_mesh_hexahedral should be able to create meshes of different resolution
- 2265 - cm or mm in ft_prepare_leadfield
- 2270 - channel selection does not work in forward and inverse routines
- 2281 - headmodel localspheres gives an error
- 2346 - make diagnostic function for source-model/volume-model intersections
- 2347 - ft_headmodel_dipoli uses invalid FID
- 2349 - ft_compute_leadfeld should allow for Nx3 dipole positions for interpolated leadfield model
- 2350 - ensure that geometrical units are dealt with consistently for all headmodels
- 2375 - Problem with MEG localspheres when working in meters
- 2377 - elec.tra gets incorrectly scaled after geometrical unit conversion
- 2380 - openmeeg leadfield has incorrect units
- 2387 - ft_prepare_leadfield does not correctly handle units
- 2399 - ft_datatype_sens fails as of today (29-nov-2013)
- 2401 - create test script for CTF *hdm file
- 2403 - ft_senstype does not detect brainvision eeg data without elec field
- 2412 - ft_om_compute_lead function is called but not present in openmeeg
- 2416 - ft_apply_montage deals with chantype twice
- 2429 - Individual BEM, Leadfield and Electrode rotatetd
- 2474 - Crash in ft_compute_leadfield because of number types
- 2535 - Error in ft_apply_montage: gradiometer info not correctly selected?
- 2548 - error in ft_prepare_sourcemodel when 'grid' is not gridlike
- 2551 - sourcemodel from disk contains many dipoles outside of brain (singleshell)
- 2572 - well, this seems like a fairly easy unit conversion ;)
- 2755 - ft_convert_units ignores grid.resolution
- 2774 - OpenMEEG leadfield has erroneous sensor interpolations
- 2800 - Wrong electrode projection in ft_prepare_vol_sens
- 2849 - volumethreshold vector array mistake
- 2975 - ft_applymontage does not deal with timelocked data with keeptrials='yes'
- 2986 - ft_volumerealign fails when realigning mri and headshape in 'cm'
- 2993 - The ft_electroderealign GUI does not close and save the changes
- 3009 - pnt/pos renaming in ft_average_sens breaks SPM functionality
- 3041 - Error in find_innermost_boundary (line 44)
- 3070 - reducerank default is not optimal for MEG HPI coils
- 3106 - openmeeg computation fails for MEG
- 3114 - kiel workshop issues - FEM slow
- 3115 - kiel workshop issues - BEM failed
- 3116 - kiel workshop issues - OpenMEEG failed
- 3120 - ft_apply_montage breaks on different trial-lengths
- 3168 - Include Maxfilter functionality
- 3178 - error in preparing FEM head model for standard MRI
- 3195 - make a fast implementation of inside/outside detection of source model points in a FEM volume conduction model of the head
- 3196 - prepare_mesh_tetrahedral is missing for SIMBIO tetrahedral meshes
- 3203 - ft_headmodel_localspheres incompatible with spatial projectors ?
- 3204 - ft_inside_vol reverted to older version
- 3229 - ft_apply_montage generates NaN elec.chanpos
- 3236 - Problem with simbio FEM
- 3251 - default conversion into 'cm'
- 3293 - ft_estimate_units estimates units of iEEG electrodes incorrectly
- 3319 - Mesh tissues were ordered according to input, now alphabetical
- 3421 - ft_prepare_headmodel failing on more than 5 conductivities
- 3439 - OpenMEEG test does not pass
- 3440 - OpenMEEG pipeline conflicts
- 3453 - expose the number of iterations in concentric sphere model for EEG
- 3464 - ft_volumenormalise suppresses further warnings