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- 8 - clusteranalysis avgoverchan
- 10 - ICA on eeg-data gives complex data
- 12 - ICA gives complex results
- 66 - convert_units and estimate_units are missing
- 71 - Bug in ft_freqstatistics
- 195 - no ft_ prefix for filetype in low level (neuralynx) read-functions
- 280 - ft_ prefixes missing from the preproc documentation
- 313 - add forward model computation for FNS FEM solver
- 315 - fieldtrip/private/preproc() should be replaced by ft_preprocessing where possible
- 340 - dipole data structure should be described
- 364 - tutorial/eventrelatedaveraging matlab data missing from ftp server
- 417 - ft_prepare_sens_vol does not work for EEG
- 443 - merge ft_poll_buffer into ft_read_data
- 468 - statistics_montecarlo / statfun_indepsamplesF behaves strangely...
- 480 - label, labelcmb, channel, channelcmb confusion/problems?
- 482 - integrate FNS FEM solver
- 514 - Beamformer tutorial pictures do not coincide with current code
- 519 - databrowser expects a topo from the input, which fails when reading from file
- 583 - ft_selectdata probably has difficulties if nrpt/nsubj is equal to any of the other dimlengths.
- 633 - write test file for FNS
- 646 - electroderealign should be improved for yokogawa/MEG and should be renamed into sensorrealign
- 662 - ft_megplanar should be made consistent with ft_neighbourselection
- 693 - channelposition needs to be made robust.
- 716 - ft_megrealign misbehaves when realigning
- 726 - issue with addressing default for smoothing in ft_volumesegment
- 778 - cfg.megscale cfg.eegscale don't work with ft_databrowser
- 796 - implement support for yokogawa440 system
- 797 - documentation on mex files needs to be updated
- 867 - compiled ft_getopt fails on mentat 274
- 904 - cfg.numcomponent fails for method=dss in ft_componentanalysis
- 905 - indexing out of range depening on trial-specific number of tapers
- 926 - ft_xxxplot functions should be made more consistent with their return value
- 959 - add the compilation instructions for the vgrid binary
- 976 - round-off issues lead to unexpected behavior of ft_specest_XXX
- 986 - write a wrapper for simbio binaries
- 999 - sourceinterpolates sets default projectmethod to 'linear' while such a method does not exist
- 1052 - fixsens breaks on EEG data
- 1058 - ft_prepare_neighbours misses header script
- 1062 - ft_chantype does not recognize neuromag 306 system
- 1077 - implement a general documentation structure for guidelines
- 1105 - add ft_preamble and ft_postamble to ft_neighbourplot
- 1109 - replace/update ft_spikesimulation, and add an example to the tutorial
- 1131 - Should ft_checkconfig also deal with fixdipole?
- 1156 - Collaborate with TOBI on acquisition interoperability
- 1157 - fileio/README describes missing files base64.{c,h}
- 1252 - index of cfg options needs to be cleaned up
- 1256 - because of caching of data and header information wrong data can be read
- 1310 - Missing resolution Information in *vhdr causes ft_preprocessing to return only NaNs
- 1341 - trialfun_general an be made more robust
- 1342 - ft_denoise_pca bug?
- 1345 - solid_angle does not work in windows 64bit
- 1346 - Not all executables in the realtime dir compile correctly.
- 1381 - BUG with a *.mexw64 file
- 1417 - fix testing scripts
- 1419 - ctf64 data cannot be detected as MEG data
- 1492 - unexpected behavior ft_multiplotTFR: when calling with 4d input the result is empty topoplot
- 1518 - reference to ft_checkcoordsys exists while there is no such function
- 1541 - neighbourselection is slow when providing data as input
- 1569 - layout file for .sfp EGI 256 to use with databrowser
- 1620 - ft_databrowser: continuous = yes, fetch_data error error: some of the requested samples occur twice in the data
- 1710 - ft_denoise_synthetic sets all grad.chanpos and grad.chanori to NaN
- 1711 - implement cfg.verbose option, together with ft_default.verbose
- 1732 - fprintf to stderr is caught as error by qsubcellfun
- 1823 - make a MNI template brain available using SIMBIO FEM
- 1851 - create test script for dataunits in ft_read_header and data
- 1895 - see Bug 1896
- 1903 - ft_removetmsartifact assumes cfg.pulseonset to be a cell array in some places, a double vector in others
- 1982 - CalcMD5 does not support input with size > 2^31
- 2003 - WFU aal ROI_MNI_V4 atlas format not detected by ft_prepare_atlas
- 2016 - Choosing lambda in lcmv
- 2019 - sensor fusion in neurmag system
- 2038 - bugs in fieldtrip2fiff
- 2046 - ft_read_spike on nex file results in spaces in event.type
- 2048 - figure's menubar not updated during 'for' loop
- 2066 - no channselection in multiplot in interactive mode?
- 2068 - Brainvision problems
- 2072 - nanmean.mexa64 crashes
- 2092 - Help Needed for FEM code
- 2107 - Source interpollation bug
- 2128 - ft_provenance cfg.trackcallinfo vs. ft_default.trackcallinfo
- 2130 - ft_preamble_provenance can't handle large files
- 2154 - Check read_brainvision_eeg.m
- 2204 - ft_preprocessing demean with baselinewindow doesn't work
- 2250 - read_sbin_header breaks when reading events
- 2335 - ft_databrowser doesn't handle queued key presses properly
- 2346 - make diagnostic function for source-model/volume-model intersections
- 2416 - ft_apply_montage deals with chantype twice
- 2446 - visual artifact tutorial misses suggested further reading section
- 2459 - Error in ft_postamble_history > warning_once
- 2499 - ft_senstype problems with 1020 labels
- 2520 - ft_checkdata fails on componentanalyzed timelock data
- 2534 - add cfg.plotselection to only plot those trials present in cfg.trials
- 2561 - ft_selectdata and getdimord
- 2572 - well, this seems like a fairly easy unit conversion ;)
- 2606 - Problem with ft_timelockstatistics (montecarlo) with avgoverchan = 'yes'
- 2614 - Reference to non-existent field 'dimord'.
- 2659 - Failure of ft_timelockgrandaverage with keeptrials=1 timelock data
- 2660 - ft_timelockgrandaverage fails if cfg.parameter is set to 'avg' but dimord includes repetition.
- 2665 - ft_selectdata excludes data.fsampleorigwhich is required for maranalysis, due to unknwin dimord,
- 2693 - update the wiki to the latest version
- 2694 - toolbar on wiki is broken
- 2704 - potato art expression missing
- 2745 - ft_clusterplot cannot plot clusters per time point as shown in the tutorial
- 2750 - MatLab2014b for Mac
- 2752 - MATLAB2014b stuck ft_databrowser
- 2757 - ft_freqanalysis cannot operate on a single channel
- 2798 - create FAQ on ft_rejectcomponent(cfg,comp) versus ft_rejectcomponent(cfg,comp,data)
- 2803 - major localization differences in two versions of ft_dipolefitting
- 2826 - ft_freqstatistics reference to nonexistend field "inside"
- 2849 - volumethreshold vector array mistake
- 2904 - Implement the threshold free cluster enhancement (TFCE)
- 2911 - qsubfeval no longer works since recent update for Octave compatibility (r10458)
- 2921 - ft_databrowser: extremely tiny figure title (trial counter)
- 2955 - implement saturation option in ft_plot_mesh
- 3056 - lcmv beamformer source solution mismatch topography
- 3116 - kiel workshop issues - OpenMEEG failed
- 3155 - ft_channelselection returns "Empty cell array" when senstype is neuromag306_combined
- 3160 - ft_sourceanalysis cannot deal with larger .grad structure than data
- 3166 - Bug with eep_trg
- 3322 - ft_timelockstatistics using spm 8, not compatible with Matlab 2017
- 3330 - Invalid MEX File
- 3402 - external/gifti mexfiles presumably not compatible with matlab v2017+
- 3418 - Crashing during ft_freqstatistics
- 3446 - collect video material from 2018 Nijmegen MEG toolkit
- 3451 - DBS artifact removal functionality
- 3459 - ft_rejectvisual plots all channels and trials
- 3462 - ft_sourcestatistics fails on output from ft_sourcegrandaverage