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- 901 - add related FAQ's and related example scripts to the end of the tutorials
- 1147 - some surface functions need to be merged
- 1171 - Update documentation of mexfiles, and check for corresponding .m scripts (autocompilation, error msg and help).
- 1234 - Build script to list which compiled (e.g. mex, realtime) files are outdated
- 1453 - Implement get_hdr_wo_chnks (get header without chunks)
- 1463 - improve the quality control for the plotting functions
- 1486 - improve artifact detection and rejection for unstable acquisition systems
- 1524 - Add support for neuroscan surface meshes *.tri
- 1528 - implement test script based on the various EEG data that is available
- 1592 - allow for a dimord that is different from the standard ones
- 1601 - make online IKEA beamformer, especially part on common filters
- 1603 - copy the demo_buffer application to utilities/buffer
- 1616 - Add dimord for every numerical field in datastructures
- 1650 - similar cfg options should have similar reference documentation
- 1656 - input variable name should be consistent with the data type
- 1687 - fieldtrip buffer implementation in BCI2000 fails
- 1689 - allow exporting of connectivity networks to a common file format
- 1698 - add 'fieldtrip' button to menu bar of figures
- 1728 - reorganize the ft_datatype documentation
- 1750 - use consistent option names for segmentationstyle, inside and cmbrepresentation
- 1758 - ft_freqanalysis does not work on spike structure
- 1777 - ft_spike_xcorr nlags/size of .xcorr field
- 1787 - WAIT_DAT on events depends on incoming data
- 1987 - inconsistency in handling of usercfg in provenance and merging of ft_defaults
- 1998 - neuralynx CSC problem due to gaps in the acquisition
- 2013 - review the list of mex files for all platforms
- 2028 - ft_channelselection needs to be reconsidered
- 2045 - spiketriggeredspectrum increases the number of spikes
- 2047 - make spike preamble and postamble consistent with rest of FieldTrip
- 2054 - use rollback_provenance consistently when calling a high-level FT function from another
- 2070 - Sensor Type ASA_ELC is missing from ft_senstype and ft_senslabel
- 2077 - ft_volumerealign should support dragging
- 2091 - simbio seems to be missing for windows
- 2121 - why are events stored in data.cfg.previous.previous etc?
- 2134 - ft_pre/postamble_provenance: find alternative for calculating hash
- 2178 - prepare_mesh_hexahedral should be able to create meshes of different resolution
- 2180 - reimplement the ft_preamble and postamble
- 2196 - reconsider merging used cfg with ft_default
- 2198 - throw an explicit warning by default when cfg options are not used?
- 2274 - ft_read_event for neuralynx Events.nev file
- 2300 - make side-by-side documentation comparing FT to BrainStorm
- 2314 - MOFB - mother of all ft_databrowser bugs
- 2318 - Databrowser - use axis limits to page data, rather than redraws
- 2339 - consider getting involved in
- 2343 - warning_once should check time passed as well as stack trace
- 2358 - ft_prepare_sourcemodel has a non-standard way of dealing with the input arguments
- 2366 - Use consistent terminology in fprintf / warning /error messages
- 2369 - the solid_angle mex file crashes with single-precision input data
- 2383 - provenance of the mesh is not passed correctly into volume conductor
- 2486 - provide transition for users from egi_mff version 2 to version 3 file format
- 2487 - revise documentation with respect to dependency on mathworks toolboxes
- 2489 - chantype unknown when reading fif file with only a couple of channels
- 2497 - implement test scripts for fieldtrip/external/stats and fieldtrip/external/signal drop-in replacement functions
- 2525 - ft_read_event only considers event types "input" in eyelink ascii data
- 2533 - add cfg.plotselection to only plot those trials present in cfg.trials
- 2570 - improve the unit handling in ft_apply_montage
- 2598 - Peermaster Mex issue
- 2615 - ft_analysispipeline added to some tutorials
- 2635 - update the mouse eeg documentation with the latest changes in the script
- 2638 - consider adding a microdonation service to the fieldtrip wiki
- 2655 - rollback_provenance interferes with configuration tracking
- 2672 - Neuromag EEG layout for distribution / documentation
- 2684 - MOMEEG - Mother of all combined MEG-EEG bugs
- 2685 - ft_scalpcurrendensity blocks on combined MEG-EEG dataset
- 2702 - Too many different types in ft_chantype
- 2710 - enhancement for ft_databrowser 'next segment' button
- 2786 - merge ft_freqgrandaverage with ft_timelockgrandaverage
- 2804 - ft_specest_wavelet: evaluate and incorporate Michael's suggested correction of wavelets
- 2825 - ft_electrodrealign does not work with method='template' and using headshape
- 2832 - cfg.debug=saveonerror fails after rollback_provenance
- 2842 - ft_sourcedescriptives crashes because ft_datatype_source removed source.avg
- 2866 - create a FAQ on the effect of variable trial numbers on statistical tests
- 2870 - precomputed leadfield not detected in sourcemodel and dipolefitting
- 2899 - create template layouts for EGI nets
- 2902 - extend EEGLAB integration regression test script
- 2923 - add cfg.trialfun=ft_trialfun_general to tutorials
- 2941 - VAT-Modelling in Fieldtrip/Simbio
- 2943 - should the low-level plotting functions modify axis aspects?
- 2967 - MOVC - mother off all virtual channel bugs
- 2968 - document the interpolation of an atlas onto a MNI-coregistered source model grid
- 2969 - document the use of virtual channels in relation to atlas based ROIs
- 2970 - document how (virtual channel) connectivity can be plotted
- 2980 - possible speed increase: allow ft_plot_XXX functions to work with vpos being a vector (instead of only scalar)
- 2984 - Nonlinear normalisation distortions
- 3014 - ft_prepare_mesh: functionality for calling isosurface on non-boolean volumes
- 3033 - support on-the-fly combined planar data in ft_databrowser and elsewhere
- 3038 - make consisten use of "unit" instead of "units"
- 3054 - implement DOG as alternative to Morlet
- 3065 - version number and provenance need to be updated to reflect svn->github migration
- 3067 - beamformer_sam with precomputed leadfields and filters
- 3091 - merge the two versions of matlablt2010b
- 3102 - ft_connectivityanalysis for power correlations (cfg.method = 'powcorr')
- 3109 - ft_combineplanar does not work for trials containing one bad planar gradient chaannel
- 3122 - fieldtrip2fiff cannot export date containing more than 10 values of a given event type
- 3127 - implement a pipeline for MEG source reconstruction if no MRI is available
- 3139 - improve support for R2016a
- 3140 - ft_electroderealign method fiducial asks elecpos
- 3146 - translate vlim and hlim in multiplot to ylim and xlim
- 3169 - spectrogram power does not match with signal amplitude
- 3179 - merge read_layout between cosmo and fieldtrip
- 3180 - uicontrol is not supported on headless servers for ft_qualitycheck
- 3181 - Reading in of oxy3 files asks for optodetemplate for each trial
- 3183 - cfg.outputfile saves default variable names that are difficult to guess
- 3199 - tracker fails because java JVM not available
- 3200 - grad structure not correctly updated after ICA for Elekta neuromag data
- 3208 - visualize electrode to headshape distance with red/blue circle projection onto scalp
- 3209 - ft_surfacerealign does not follow coding standards
- 3213 - document the audio and video of the Marseille connectivity workshop
- 3217 - implement width and gwidth both as vectors in ft_specest_wavelet
- 3227 - ft_datatype_source chokes on 'rawtrial' source level data with filters kept
- 3228 - ft_volumesegment: implement dartel as an alternative way for segmentation
- 3231 - Problems with plotting montaged grads in ft_plot_sens
- 3237 - Can Fieldtrip test data used with dccnpath be made available?
- 3242 - ensure that all ft_plot_xxx functions have an example in their help
- 3250 - the lambda option in the various beamformer source analysis methods needs to be better documented
- 3252 - hpos and vpos are used in two different ways
- 3253 - Integrate TSSS toolbox and SSS-beamformer in FT
- 3258 - Compilation of MEX files for Octave
- 3259 - ft_headmovement passes empty array to kmeans and crashes
- 3262 - external/fileexchange functions (by extension, FieldTrip?) not considered free software by GNU Octave community
- 3282 - which fails as system command on windows for openmeeg
- 3289 - write mesh vista with anisotropy conductivity tensor on windows
- 3291 - pass showcallinfo recursively to lower-level functions
- 3294 - Virus warning when unzipping fieldtrip-20170503
- 3296 - trial selection fails in ft_multiplotER (and possibly ft_multiplotTFR)
- 3306 - implement an interface for the openbci gangion board
- 3316 - add sampling rate information to artifact structures
- 3338 - ft_redefinetrial returns incorrectly nan-padded data
- 3340 - fiducial clicking is similar to electrode clicking and should become shared code
- 3341 - the cfg.method between the different ft_xxxrealign should become consistent for 'interactive' and 'fiducial'
- 3347 - ft_databrowser and ft_rejectvisual should use private/chanscale_common for scaling
- 3364 - ft_warning returns incorrect warning state if you change something
- 3366 - implement REST re-referencing for EEG data
- 3373 - implement neuromag electrode file format reading and writing
- 3377 - lambda parameter in beamformer tutorial exercise 6
- 3380 - MOCD - mother of all Chinese documentation bugs
- 3382 - translate some of the documentation to Chinese
- 3383 - provide closed captions for the video lectures
- 3384 - provide Chinese subtitles for some of the video lectures
- 3388 - implement auto-appending for Elekta fif files
- 3389 - extend ft_qualitycheck for Elekta data
- 3390 - implement an ft_groupqualitycheck function
- 3411 - create a template set of meshes for EEG, using the NYhead
- 3415 - implement conversion between Ledalab and FieldTrip
- 3416 - problem in ft_channelcombination
- 3426 - general cleanup and bookkeeping at the end ft_scalpcurrentdensity
- 3428 - TimeStampPerSample or TimestampPerSecond in ft_spike_maketrials?
- 3431 - Inconsistent documentation "Computing the phases of spikes relative to the ongoing LFP"
- 3432 - Bibliography of references missing in spike tutorial documentation
- 3440 - OpenMEEG pipeline conflicts
- 3445 - magnes 3600 issue with reference coil locations in file
- 3450 - DBS artifact removal functionality
- 3456 - Oblique way of dealing with trial-definition in ft_appendspike
- 3457 - ft_read_event and ft_read_header does not work correctly
- 3468 - ft_selectdata forgets to select .trial field of spiketrial data, when selecting trials
- 3469 - unclear use of ft_spiketriggeredspectrum_stat
- 3470 - ft_spiketriggeredinterpolation needs continuous raw spike data, but should be able to deal with two inputs isntead: LFP and spike events
- 3472 - SEM in error bars incorrect in ft_spike_plot_raster?