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- 14 - preprocess does not work on trial-undefined data
- 33 - Error in ft_timelockstatistics
- 37 - ft_connectivityanalysis crashes when input is powandcsd and channelcmb = {'all' 'all'}
- 38 - ensure correct trl handling in selectdata
- 80 - LFP dataset with tsq extension cannot be read
- 101 - argument time undefined in ft_spiketriggeredspectrum
- 171 - unknown path during peerexec
- 176 - peercellfun for sourceanalysis
- 179 - plotting problem with connectivityresults
- 204 - ft_freqanalysis crashes when specest implementation is used
- 221 - ft_freqstatistics (montecarlo) should throw error if receiving input from ft_freqgrandaverage
- 267 - need to supply neighbours in timelockedstatistics
- 294 - there are idle slaves with timavail=0
- 334 - specest_mtmconvol shifts time-bins 1 bin to the right, it shouldn't
- 360 - fix the umask problem with the public peerslaves
- 374 - Plotting does not allow selection on certain frequency bands or time windows only
- 409 - ft_compute_leadfield crashes without vol.skin_surface field for bemcp BEM
- 436 - ft_rejectvisual makes inefficient (or no?) use of ft_checkdata
- 500 - fixtrialdef throws an inconsistency warning if data has been resampled
- 526 - ft_freqdescriptive sets hasrpt if dimord contains 'subj', but errors later when no dimord does not contain 'rpt'
- 550 - ft_volumesegment crashes on SPM, while segmenting its own template
- 558 - ft_sourceanalysis does not seem to handle cfg.lambda
- 577 - Bug in the identification of channels to use for repairing a bad channel
- 584 - Hilbert transform with output 'angle' gives output < -pi and > pi
- 593 - ft_databrowser crashes on data which was obtained with ft_appenddata
- 864 - megplanar computes a value for all sensor in the neighbourhood structure, independent of whether they are actually in the data
- 940 - confusing *intended* error appears in GdfWriter.h
- 968 - loadvar inconsistently throws errors, which are resolved if called again
- 1002 - ft_prepare_headmodel has repeating code
- 1047 - add a FAQ for cfg.correcttail and cfg.alpha in statistics_montecarlo
- 1071 - suggestion: sourcegrandaverage could support a cfg.roi for subselecting a brainregion of interest
- 1172 - No events for BrainAmp acquisition
- 1174 - fileparts() : 4th argument and Matlab R2011b
- 1209 - Error in Java buffer reader and
- 1210 - inconsistent number of grad.pnt and grad.labels
- 1284 - ft_electroderealign has a syntax error
- 1287 - ft_megplanar has qualitatively different results than some months ago
- 1294 - ft_redefinetrial.m rare channel label output
- 1301 - Organize bugs to work on during bug-binge 20120201
- 1313 - chantype/chanunit -> should we consider to represent them at the level of the grad, rather than in the header?
- 1339 - wrong number of sensors from bti2grad
- 1347 - readCTFds cannot read BCIT MEG files
- 1382 - saving buffer (recording app in realtime/utilities/playback) not saving all data
- 1392 - ft_prepare_leadfield calls 'unknown' ft_preamble
- 1396 - One of the test scripts crashes matlab
- 1403 - unit ERP?
- 1478 - fast vs very-slow processing in ft_freqanalysis on similar data.
- 1517 - dipole fitting dependent on optimization_toolbox
- 1591 - add "look for LaPlacian" in header FT_SCALPCURRENTDENSITY
- 1593 - number of channels can be mismatched with neighbours in ft_statistics_montecarlo with clusters
- 1606 - ft_plot_slice fails for orientation different than z-direction
- 1607 - realigning channel order changes ft_topoplots
- 1632 - inventorize common usage of keyboard shortcuts
- 1655 - investigate best way to handle user interfaces
- 1779 - ERF tutorial fails to find significant effect said to be in data
- 1780 - prepare_singleshell to ft_prepare_singleshell?
- 1784 - How to stop the buffer inside the matlab?
- 1785 - implement support in ft_read_sens for the waveguard electrode file format
- 1800 - ft_topoplotER does not map correctly channels in data to channels in topoplot
- 1868 - Wrong determination of Sampling Frequency leads to error in Morlet Wave
- 1880 - ft_componentanalysis method fastica ignores maxNumIterations (and possibly other options)
- 1921 - re-design ft_prepare_headmodel
- 1972 - ft_scalpcurrentdensity should fail when input is MEG data
- 2017 - CTF segmentation
- 2021 - unit conversion in ft_plot_sens
- 2025 - 'infinite' forward model not working properly
- 2037 - small typo in HELP of ft_datatype_parcellation
- 2078 - ft_singleplotTFR crashes with cfg.interactively='yes' and data cantains NaN
- 2087 - layout file for M3 easycap
- 2118 - inconsistent number of channels in sensor description after ft_freqanalysis
- 2129 - ft_timelockgrandaverage: provenance is never kept on input
- 2137 - ft_componentanalysis reports a randomseed error on newer versions of matlab
- 2156 - ft_megplanar.m fails when there is a channel label with less than 3 characters
- 2164 - The ft_artifact_zvalue function
- 2201 - data = ft_removetmsartifact(cfg, Trl)
- 2229 - Strange results of ft_sourcestatistics
- 2238 - read in and segment Netstation data
- 2289 - Filters don't work when doing preprocessing
- 2310 - allow more anonymous pipeline execution by not storing the time and date
- 2325 - ft_multiplotER and ft_singleplotER do not plot the ERP/F waveform
- 2344 - Non-Linear axis in ft_singleplotTFR
- 2362 - cfg.toi in ft_freqanalysis
- 2375 - Problem with MEG localspheres when working in meters
- 2403 - ft_senstype does not detect brainvision eeg data without elec field
- 2429 - Individual BEM, Leadfield and Electrode rotatetd
- 2551 - sourcemodel from disk contains many dipoles outside of brain (singleshell)
- 2554 - ft_appenddata does not copy fsample to the output data structure
- 2564 - ft_multiplotTFR: cfg.mastyle = always highlight
- 2580 - bug with preprocessing, abort is undefined
- 2586 - monte carlo p-values
- 2642 - invalid MEX-file???
- 2643 - ft_sourceinterpolate crashes (Undefined function or variable 'abort')
- 2656 - Matlab crashes when calling ft_databrowser in TMS-EEG tutorial
- 2671 - error when fitting dipole to independent component
- 2689 - ft_datatype returns error because function 'fieldnames' is not recognized
- 2698 - fieldtrip is bugging out eeglab extensions
- 2731 - ft_preproc_bandstopfilter - Number of input arguments
- 2767 - improve support for averaged neuroscan fif files
- 2774 - OpenMEEG leadfield has erroneous sensor interpolations
- 2788 - ignore this bug
- 2813 - ft_statfun_diff_itc doesn't create/output a critval
- 2845 - ft_sourceinterpolate failed to align functional to structural
- 2886 - ft_freqstatistics crashes for freq/freq_time data without channels
- 2894 - Error while reading Neuromag data - no data in this range
- 2935 - ft_artifact_zvalue does not detect jumps
- 2977 - datset unusable after call of ft_definetrial
- 3020 - in ft_plot_mesh mesh = fixpos(mesh); is called without checking whether mesh is a structure
- 3044 - problem reading past the end of the file with EDF
- 3074 - Unable to plot component topography Matlab 2015b: "Error using surf X, Y, Z, cannot be complex"
- 3152 - Undefined function 'mvnrnd' for input arguments of type 'double'.
- 3170 - output of ft_prepare_leadfield and thus ft_sourceanalysis depend on unit of the grid when using grads and mags
- 3178 - error in preparing FEM head model for standard MRI
- 3182 - check averaging and keeptrials in freqanalysis+freqdescriptives
- 3191 - Love Laws & Outlaws: Indoo Seth
- 3305 - ft_channelselection, wrong selection when channel names are mixed with wildcards
- 3342 - why does ft_freqbaseline normalize trials using the trial-specific baseline instead of the average baseline?
- 3367 - ft_datatype qualifies a mesh structure as 'source+mesh'
- 3429 - read_neuralynx_ncs directs to wrong mex file version
- 3449 - FT filtfilt function masks the MATLAB filtfilt function
- 3466 - explore cluster statistics