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- 41 - matlab 7.04 from windows platform cannot read keyval
- 77 - modules on ftp are not up to date and e.g forwinv not split
- 78 - Toolbox for Chieti data not available
- 101 - argument time undefined in ft_spiketriggeredspectrum
- 106 - trl in checkdata
- 109 - compilation problems because inet_ntop is missing on windows
- 139 - smartcpu is triggered simultaneously on multiple slaves that share a linux node
- 146 - cmd line peerslave should use syslog() for output, instead of fprintf
- 150 - create a consistent implementation of the timers and timeout options
- 155 - ft_read_data returns data in int32 format
- 167 - peerlist is empty on stand-alone OS X computer
- 196 - external/afni: isrow is a builtin in Matlab R2010b
- 246 - svn server does not send the updates to twitter
- 260 - make realtime table complete w.r.t. bci2000 alternatives
- 263 - check the status of the fieldtrip module in openvibe
- 335 - warning backtrace in peercellfun not functional
- 376 - documentation on ft_dipolesimulation
- 399 - Bug with estimating power of Nyquist freq with ft_specest_mtmfft.m
- 406 - fieldtrip course tuebingen - scaling during mtm 'sine'
- 421 - ft_preproc_bandstopfilter uses range() from the stats-toolbox
- 457 - coherence tutorial problems because of label and labelcmb fields
- 495 - test bug
- 508 - ft_singleplotER: box sizes of mask do not adapt with ylim.
- 511 - warning using ft_write_volume
- 569 - should ft_plot_vol use cfg instead of key-value pairs?
- 657 - multiplotTFR displays incorrect x-axis values
- 666 - CTF system fault writing data?
- 668 - ft_artifact_zvalue causes a steadily increasing memory use
- 669 - Open a new figure only if all possible errors have been checked for
- 670 - ft_channelselection cannot handle all regular 'regular expressions'
- 679 - QuikCap 128 NSL layout
- 702 - allow feedback to be turned off in ft_freqanalysis
- 727 - misleading help about cfg options in ft_volumesegment causes error
- 817 - Error when attemping read_sbin_events on a file without events
- 870 - fix text display bug in ft_multiplotER with multiple datasets
- 1071 - suggestion: sourcegrandaverage could support a cfg.roi for subselecting a brainregion of interest
- 1120 - resolve inconsistency in reading balancing coefficients
- 1123 - ft_checkconfig removes some relevant fields from the cfg in ft_volumenormalise
- 1138 - qsubxxx reference documentation on wiki is empty
- 1147 - some surface functions need to be merged
- 1149 - clarify the options that specify what to plot
- 1171 - Update documentation of mexfiles, and check for corresponding .m scripts (autocompilation, error msg and help).
- 1176 - assumed number of components/channels should not be hard-coded 10
- 1178 - ft_channelcombination fails with 3rd input argument
- 1209 - Error in Java buffer reader and fakebiosemiclient.cc
- 1261 - ft_plot_topo3d does not document its optional arguments
- 1271 - is the /home/common/matlab/fieldtrip_private symlink still needed?
- 1277 - prewhitening functionality in ft_sourceanalysis misses low-level function
- 1280 - No pictures in multivariate analysis tutorial
- 1283 - trunk\src\reset mex file overwrites built-in function
- 1290 - zlim colorbar weird on ft_singleplotTFR
- 1305 - preproc requires the deprecated offset as input
- 1311 - copy the improved 16/32 bit Neuroscan CNT detection from EEGLAB
- 1316 - use spm_bwlabel also for 2D data
- 1328 - add support for SLURM backend
- 1337 - typo bug and wrong path
- 1348 - ft_read_header error while reading .cnt file in version 20120222
- 1354 - uint64 object is not needed any more on matlab 2011b
- 1359 - detecting the wrong acquisition rate
- 1368 - leadfield normalization fails for openmeeg forward solution
- 1373 - Search for old-style cfg renaming
- 1408 - make the demeaning of data prior to filtering consistent
- 1439 - ft_denoise_synthetic needs reference channels as input, if they are missing output description is wrong since data hasn't changed
- 1444 - random number generator
- 1453 - Implement get_hdr_wo_chnks (get header without chunks)
- 1454 - the info on MEG dataformats should be moved on the wiki
- 1498 - documentation of baseline type in ft_singleplotTFR
- 1521 - eps version of the logo is missing
- 1543 - spike_crossx_matlab doesn't check for empty inputs
- 1585 - cell cfg.statistic field with multiple strings crashes ft_freqstatistics
- 1586 - tex formatting fails in ft_analysisprotocol
- 1595 - symbolic link in tobi messes up svn on windows disk
- 1613 - Unnecessary Yokogawa warning
- 1663 - ft_statfun_roc not called properly from ft_getuserfun
- 1671 - move the dics appendix in the coherence tutorial to a separate page
- 1678 - Figures in the visual artifact rejection tutorial are inconsistent
- 1679 - small bug in ft_prepare_headmodel
- 1688 - there is a file called "testname" in the ftp zip file release
- 1750 - use consistent option names for segmentationstyle, inside and cmbrepresentation
- 1752 - implement a circular layout for ft_prepare_layout
- 1759 - ft_apply_montage: sparse matrix multiplication leads to different results than full matrix multiplication
- 1762 - config object fails on struct-array
- 1763 - defining electrode position with fieldname 'elecpos' doesn't work
- 1764 - speed up volumethreshold (used in ft_datatype_segmentation)
- 1803 - there is a wiki page with "known problems" that predates bugzilla
- 1837 - clean up the external/simbio directory
- 1874 - ft_componentclassification does not make correct use of the preamble and postamble
- 1921 - re-design ft_prepare_headmodel
- 1928 - the realtime compile script and Makefiles write to the wrong location
- 1950 - trackconfig gets confused with other cfg
- 2015 - defining gradiometer channels in the neuromag306
- 2030 - improve documentation for installing openmmeeg
- 2035 - reading of events from NEX gives error if file contains no events
- 2036 - small bug fixes in exporting fiff: fileparts returns dot and dataout does not exist (#1)
- 2037 - small typo in HELP of ft_datatype_parcellation
- 2048 - figure's menubar not updated during 'for' loop
- 2055 - extra fileformat option is missing in documentation of ft_read_mri
- 2157 - Fietrip version 8101 is 2.3 GB
- 2189 - freqanalysis with cfg.keeptrials='no' keeps cumtapcnt
- 2195 - ft_lateralizedpotential.m strmatch
- 2216 - Documentation on buffer protocol is present twice on same wiki page
- 2317 - ICA plots look different in databrowser vs. topoplot
- 2324 - data.cfg field required for plotting
- 2327 - stay consistent with cfg.parameter being mandatory for freq-data
- 2354 - averaging of avg/rpt fails for ERFs in ft_topoplot/topoplot_common
- 2383 - provenance of the mesh is not passed correctly into volume conductor
- 2407 - function handles with warning_once
- 2417 - Numerical Precision difference in MATLAB interactive session and qsub
- 2427 - ft_prepare_layout with cfg.feedback = 'yes' opens two figures
- 2439 - improve documentation for ft_determine_coordsys
- 2457 - why does connectivityanalysis using 'pdc' suggest to use cfg.granger.channelcmb?
- 2460 - ft_datatype error with two (logical) mask fields
- 2461 - 2014b, Handle Graphics 2 and FieldTrip
- 2510 - ft_statfun_diff throws an error
- 2511 - ft_read_headshape error in line 888 since last change to function
- 2514 - implement kappa truncated-svd for beamformer covariance inverse
- 2519 - isequalwithequalnans is not recommended, use isequaln instead
- 2520 - ft_checkdata fails on componentanalyzed timelock data
- 2547 - License checkout handling
- 2605 - ft_selectdata documentation is broken
- 2611 - loading dicom series on Windows machine fails
- 2626 - qsubcellfun doesn't tell Matlab that job is done
- 2635 - update the mouse eeg documentation with the latest changes in the script
- 2651 - Inconsistency/Inaccuracy between Beamformer Tutorial and Common Filter Example Script
- 2653 - ft_preprocessing returns NaNs if bsfilter is combined with precision = 'single'
- 2678 - Delete cfg.correcttail from documentation
- 2728 - addition to cluster_permutation_freq tutorial
- 2753 - Getting started with fNIRS (and fNIRS/EEG)
- 2758 - ft_prepare_headmodel(cfg) fails with single argument
- 2765 - senstype gives inconsistent type for planar and planar_combined layouts
- 2775 - ft_electrodrealign does not find function (not in /utilities/private)
- 2786 - merge ft_freqgrandaverage with ft_timelockgrandaverage
- 2799 - not cleaning up .hdr file: align_itab2spm and align_ctf2spm
- 2839 - allow spm12 as full alternative to spm8
- 2856 - keyboard does not work using GUI from ft_artifact_zvalue
- 2857 - ft_artifact_zvalue interactive GUI fails in 2014b and keyboard buttons don't work
- 2975 - ft_applymontage does not deal with timelocked data with keeptrials='yes'
- 2981 - duplicate code: ft_statfun_depsamplesF.m and ft_statfun_depsamplesFmultivariate.m
- 2986 - ft_volumerealign fails when realigning mri and headshape in 'cm'
- 3023 - layout problem if sensor at (0,0,0)
- 3071 - ft_version leaves excessive tmp files
- 3076 - [ws, warned] = ft_warning(varargin)
- 3165 - ft_prepare_layout doesn't work anymore with integer coordinates
- 3214 - ft_selectdata fails to select trials from freq due to unsupported cumtapcnt
- 3221 - ft_definetrial: The error message for non-existing cfg.trialfun throws an error itself.
- 3223 - ft_databrowser sets ylim to [NaN NaN] when first trial consists entirely of NaNs
- 3224 - :Size inputs error must be integers: error in non-parametric spectral factorization of partial directed coherence
- 3268 - make a consistent interface to the functions that return spherical meshes
- 3276 - ft_electrodeplacement should not show the "scan" option when a single input is given
- 3308 - Generic syntax description with funname
- 3309 - Warning concerning short-circuit operations in Octave
- 3312 - Use gammaln instead of lgamma in betapdf.m
- 3353 - using ft_sourceparcellate fails for max, min and maxabs methods fail if a tissue in the atlas is not found in the source,
- 3461 - problem with ft_sourcestatistics when using output of ft_sourcegrandaverage
- 3464 - ft_volumenormalise suppresses further warnings
- 3470 - ft_spiketriggeredinterpolation needs continuous raw spike data, but should be able to deal with two inputs isntead: LFP and spike events