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- 14 - preprocess does not work on trial-undefined data
- 18 - bug in PSI calculation in connectivityanalysis
- 59 - ft_sourceinterpolate crashes on
- 110 - tcpserver thread cannot be stopped on windows
- 116 - Feature that was used by SPM disappeared
- 126 - High-pass filter explodes for no visible reason
- 135 - allowuser not updated
- 156 - Buffer MEX file does not convert 0-based to 1-based sample indices.
- 157 - ft_resampledata deletes cfg.trl
- 230 - ft_singleplotTFR doesnt handle chansel correctly with cohspctrm data
- 265 - resubmit control for variable compute times
- 292 - ft_freqanalysis does not work with variable length trials and method = 'mtmfft'
- 322 - plexon nex with different sampling rate are incorrectly read
- 418 - ft_prepare_leadfield: variable "grid" is not initialized
- 458 - fixdimord cannot handle dimord voxel
- 483 - Re: [FieldTrip] FT doesn't close .fif files
- 490 - google code stuck at r2780
- 540 - wavelet convolution in ft_freqanalysis flips phase of signal
- 546 - matlab startup error
- 558 - ft_sourceanalysis does not seem to handle cfg.lambda
- 568 - ft_volumesegment now outputs wrong dimensions of dim field
- 575 - neighbourselection now has option 'method' but this crashes when you call it from the stats functions
- 577 - Bug in the identification of channels to use for repairing a bad channel
- 588 - strfind error
- 628 - wiki pages suddenly appear blank
- 642 - ft_channelselection cannot handle channelexclusion of channels denoted with a *
- 663 - ft_prepare_layout fails for yokogawa64_planar
- 681 - ft_read_vol cannot read from a neuromag fif file
- 731 - read digital trigger on neuromag system
- 734 - ft_sourceanalysis: method ='sam', does not work
- 778 - cfg.megscale cfg.eegscale don't work with ft_databrowser
- 783 - montecarlo p value should never be zero
- 845 - ft_appenddata incorrectly initializes the output sampleinfo always to be empty
- 857 - ft_databrowser crashes
- 874 - clean up your buglist
- 883 - bdf files persisting in memory
- 921 - selecting freq parameter fails in ft_selectdata
- 934 - Matlab does not shutdown properly
- 964 - prepare_mesh_segmentation and cfg.tissue
- 971 - ft_sourcedescriptives does not understand the option 'method' anymore
- 981 - ft_headmodelplot doesn't work with a multisphere volume conduction model in the input
- 1025 - inconsistent number of tapers
- 1051 - fixsens breaks on data that has coilpos & coilori but NO coilpos
- 1068 - ft_read_mri causing a system error
- 1104 - there are 3 FAQs about toolboxes
- 1146 - ft_selectdata with no selected trials
- 1151 - test_ft_preprocessing fails on assert, when k=9
- 1162 - Previous structure not saved
- 1170 - neuroprax import functionality fails when selecting channels
- 1197 - Problem with reading Neuroscan 4.5 format file
- 1262 - Problem reading fcdc_buffer_offline filetypes (version 20111231)
- 1264 - Revive automated testing
- 1265 - error while running "ft_megrealign"
- 1266 - GDF files are written in blocks of 1 gig (biosemi2ft buffer), but not concatinated when read
- 1267 - error while running "ft_timelockstatistics"
- 1287 - ft_megplanar has qualitatively different results than some months ago
- 1324 - read_trigger and read_ctf_trigger produce different output
- 1336 - StopOnError=false does not work with exceeded walltime errors
- 1370 - Buffer crashes or does not keep up with the load from time to time
- 1378 - ft_getopt.mexglx looks for
- 1380 - ft_checkdata fails with 'source' data with .pos field
- 1381 - BUG with a *.mexw64 file
- 1382 - saving buffer (recording app in realtime/utilities/playback) not saving all data
- 1390 - data has variable trial lengths, you specified not to accept that
- 1396 - One of the test scripts crashes matlab
- 1397 - The tutorial about coherence has a bug
- 1411 - Error in ft_volumenormalise : 'spm_vol_minc' function missing
- 1412 - For .cnt files, ft_read_header() of different versions produce different nSamples
- 1458 - ft_chantype does not recognize a grad structure correctly
- 1477 - raw2timelock within utilities/ft_checkdata.m fails if trials do not cross timepoint 0
- 1536 - ft_getopt fails on windows 64 bit
- 1573 - GrandAVG and Stats can't be plottet on anatomy or be interpolated on an MRI
- 1683 - order of given parameters affect output of ft_freqgrandaverage
- 1735 - ft_appenddata doesn't append data correctly --> ft_databrowser and ft_fetch_data failure
- 1757 - BQ* ref sensors not found in ft_chantype
- 1784 - How to stop the buffer inside the matlab?
- 1787 - WAIT_DAT on events depends on incoming data
- 1794 - ft_prepare_leadfield output discrepancy between cm and mm units for predefined grid
- 1868 - Wrong determination of Sampling Frequency leads to error in Morlet Wave
- 1875 - there are functions that use the ~ output argument, which is incompatible with older MATLAB versions
- 1899 - ft_read_mri -- errors when reading neuromag fiff mri files other then 1mm resolution
- 1917 - provenance with md5sum fails for very large input variables
- 1937 - implement job dependencies in qsubfeval
- 1940 - A crash when scaling EEG sensor array
- 1943 - identify channel function in ft_databrowser does not yield correct channel
- 1986 - wrong channel alignment by ft_combineplanar and ft_xxxgrandaverage when interpolated channels are present
- 2023 - .nex files not correctly read out
- 2092 - Help Needed for FEM code
- 2136 - ft_senstype mis-classification
- 2151 - MFF might have discontinuous data
- 2210 - EGI header
- 2269 - ft_rejectartifact does not work for trials with overlapping samples
- 2270 - channel selection does not work in forward and inverse routines
- 2272 - Cannot use ft_read_header for .cnt files
- 2275 - Cannot use ft_read_event for .trg files
- 2298 - nanvar fails at offset of 1e8 in test_nanstat test script
- 2316 - ft_databrowser crash on Windows 7 (plotting component data)
- 2335 - ft_databrowser doesn't handle queued key presses properly
- 2435 - error: different sampling rates in continuous data not supported
- 2474 - Crash in ft_compute_leadfield because of number types
- 2507 - unexpected behaviour of ft_appenddata when appending more than two datasets
- 2522 - ft_appenddata returns sampleinfo-error when concatenating channels
- 2527 - ft_sourceplot does not plot color data
- 2584 - ft_selectdata: new version does not correctly select trials from a raw data structure
- 2585 - ICA for same data differ even using fixed random seed
- 2591 - ft_databrowser does not handle cfg.*scale for opt.curdat
- 2597 - ft_selectdata alphabetizes labels, this leads to wrong leadfield order with ft_prepare_leadfield
- 2610 - ft_timelockanalysis fails for component input data
- 2639 - ft_sourceanalysis and ft_checkdata, possible channel ordering bug?
- 2703 - function pos2transform takes only one input argument but in ft_checkdata is called with 2
- 2711 - ft_math checks wether a field is present, then crashes anyways if it is not
- 2731 - ft_preproc_bandstopfilter - Number of input arguments
- 2740 - QuikCap 32 10-20 layout
- 2751 - remove spam from fieldtrip wiki
- 2774 - OpenMEEG leadfield has erroneous sensor interpolations
- 2777 - freq2timelock / timelock2freq
- 2800 - Wrong electrode projection in ft_prepare_vol_sens
- 2803 - major localization differences in two versions of ft_dipolefitting
- 2812 - Error when running "ft_singleplotTFR"
- 2816 - getdimord -- getdimsiz infinite loop
- 2818 - ft_interpolatenan - Specialcase error
- 2833 - ft_artifact_threshold fails due to unknown variable hasdata
- 2841 - ft_preprocessing doesn't select channels anymore
- 2848 - ft_timelockstatistics doesn't cluster properly with custom neighbours struct
- 2884 - Bug in ft_definetrial
- 2906 - ft_volumereslice fails for mris not in millimeters
- 2917 - ft_selectdata sorts, channelconnectivity uses this regardless of actual channel order in data
- 2942 - ft_clusterplot in Tutorial on cluster permutation for event related stats does not work
- 2977 - datset unusable after call of ft_definetrial
- 3020 - in ft_plot_mesh mesh = fixpos(mesh); is called without checking whether mesh is a structure
- 3105 - implement NAI / unit-noise gain MV beamformer; orientation not properly optimized when NAI manually calculated as in tutorial
- 3158 - ft_datatype: new 'pointcloud' datatype clashes with source datatype
- 3170 - output of ft_prepare_leadfield and thus ft_sourceanalysis depend on unit of the grid when using grads and mags
- 3203 - ft_headmodel_localspheres incompatible with spatial projectors ?
- 3219 - ft_rejectartifact with reject='nan' ignores trials that are entirely marked as artifact
- 3251 - default conversion into 'cm'
- 3261 - ft_multiplotTFR with maskstyle = 'saturation' with non-evenly spaced frequency bands shows incorrect axis labels
- 3301 - padding is not executed when the padding interval is shorter than the trial's length
- 3328 - error with new notification system
- 3349 - Octave fails running ft_defaults due to using non-functional form of ft_warning
- 3350 - Error in sLoreta square root matrix
- 3351 - Errors in eLoreta code
- 3358 - ft_multiplotTFR fails for non-standard dimord
- 3362 - ft_math with biosemi64.lay in data changes channel order
- 3400 - ft_realtime_headlocalizer does not work in the MEG-LAB
- 3410 - ft_headmodel_dipoli doesn't work
- 3416 - problem in ft_channelcombination
- 3425 - Plotting issue with cluster based permutation test
- 3447 - Implement regularization in reduced subspace as discussed at BIOMAG