Won't fix
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- 19 - the length of a vector is sometimes used, whereas numel is more robust (before/after vectorization)
- 26 - implement cfg.precision for all functions
- 29 - fix subspace projection in beamformer_dics and beamformer_lcmv
- 53 - redesign the filetype detection
- 55 - speed up read_event for realtime reading from CTF shm
- 90 - exclude external/xxx from fieldtrip-lite on ftp server
- 102 - cfg.inputfile for ft_prepare_bemmodel with 3 input options
- 110 - tcpserver thread cannot be stopped on windows
- 111 - discover thread does not want to start when compiled on matlab2009+msvc2008
- 118 - make ft_prepare_layout detect identical channel locations
- 126 - High-pass filter explodes for no visible reason
- 137 - implement udpserver
- 142 - peer should announce timavail=0 for zombie and master
- 145 - documentation in peer.m should be more general introduction
- 147 - improve help in functions by linking to wiki documentation
- 155 - ft_read_data returns data in int32 format
- 177 - Missing (PowerPC) MEX files
- 183 - include job number in rethrown error inside peerget
- 199 - ft_sourceanalysis with lcmv and precomputed filters and single trial input does not output a pow-field
- 223 - peermaster and peerslave don't launch
- 227 - grids containing leadfields should contain a label to make the interpretation of the leadfield less ambiguous
- 256 - ft_clusterplot cannot plot TFR clusters
- 258 - improve support for plexon nex files
- 268 - remove peer from list in case open_tcp_connection error
- 269 - problem in printing job information
- 276 - add support for channel-selection to multiplotCC
- 293 - source statistics on timeseries (source.mom) does not work
- 296 - enginetimeout and zombietimeout should be configurable on the command line
- 298 - create mex file implementation of keyval
- 300 - link the fieldtrip bugzilla to the debian bugzilla
- 327 - engines are not efficiently reused
- 331 - smartcpu should switch off the "smallest" peerslave first
- 332 - the sluggishness in the peerslave smartxxx estimates has to be reimplemented
- 333 - smartcpu switching is inconsistent
- 336 - add explicit checks for non-used cfg options in ft_freqanalysis
- 370 - private/prepare_time_freq_data calls fixdimord
- 373 - new function related to source space: ft_reducepatch
- 383 - selecting a subset of trials from source data (pcc mom) does not work
- 384 - unpredictable crashese during peer computing
- 392 - enable rotating photo's for news item (e.g. integrated with FB)
- 395 - create faq on 'what to do when my script does not work anymore, and it worked perfectly fine in 2003'?
- 410 - read_eep_cnp does not work on Linux machines (Donders mentat)
- 415 - ft_checkcoordsys
- 425 - using trackconfig = 'on' does not work robustly
- 446 - reorganize the development/realtime documentation
- 513 - missing figures on wiki (development section)
- 523 - strange problems in a sourceanalysis pipeline
- 529 - ft_preprocessing should support padding for continuous data in-memory
- 532 - implement a ft_crossfreqanalysis function
- 542 - Speed up ft_multiplotER
- 545 - ft_selectdata should support toilim for source input
- 561 - not able to plot (topo/singleTFR nonlinear (time/freq) axis
- 571 - peer resulting in matlab crash
- 575 - neighbourselection now has option 'method' but this crashes when you call it from the stats functions
- 585 - invalid MEX file error in clusterstat
- 587 - ft_volumesegment accepts priors only for humans, default SPM options are rigid
- 597 - channel labels in meg160 software user-interface start with "000" and not with "001"
- 602 - questions in tutorials should have an answer
- 616 - multivariateanalysis tutorial should follow the documentation guidelines
- 643 - maintaining the multicast list can be made conditional on the status
- 647 - create a fieldtrip/warp toolbox
- 650 - user feedback in ft_sourceplot needs to be cleaned up
- 663 - ft_prepare_layout fails for yokogawa64_planar
- 666 - CTF system fault writing data?
- 674 - multisphere function not found
- 681 - ft_read_vol cannot read from a neuromag fif file
- 695 - development: improve visualization of MNE source reconstruction results
- 709 - create ft_connectivity_xcorr
- 712 - build in the non-homogeneous smoothing at the source level
- 729 - ft_checkdata -> fixcsd with 'sparse' -> 'full' flips the directionality with respect to convention
- 743 - using <code matlab> leads to very ugly exported pdf-files
- 745 - similar to cfg.trials and cfg.channel, functions should get an option cfg.latency
- 746 - ft_defaults does not add multivariate toolbox
- 752 - udsserver fails to start on max os x
- 768 - peermaster allowhost should not be case sensitive
- 781 - Incorrect memavail reading peerslave command line executable
- 787 - wiki pages exported to pdf do not include svg graphics
- 809 - Suggestion: Let neighbourselection calculate distances for neighbours
- 812 - ft_defaults sometimes takes very long to execute
- 818 - If no layout is given, it could be estimated using ft_senstype(data)
- 827 - ambiguity in x/y dimensions when topoplotting chan_freq data
- 836 - ft_componentanalysis crashes with method='fastica' and MEG data in input
- 849 - convention of 'directionality' in spectral transfer function is swapped wrt the other connectivity metrics
- 850 - ft_checkdata gets confused with mtmconvol input and fourier
- 851 - freqstatistics has a problem with singular dimensions in freq field?
- 871 - add axes to summary plot in ft_multiplotTFR
- 872 - implement and test statfun_glm
- 891 - ensure that the test-directory in /home/common/matlab/fieldtrip/forward/ exists
- 906 - ft_senstype does not recognize the type of sensors for some of the data on /home/common
- 910 - test_ft_preprocessing fails on 'tdt data
- 916 - read_eep_cnt does not work under linux 32bit
- 931 - ft_appendfreq fails when the data does not exactly overlap
- 934 - Matlab does not shutdown properly
- 962 - remove default cfg.demean = 'yes' in ft_componentanalysis
- 969 - ft_volumerealign interactive gui doesn't show "R" & "L" indicators
- 979 - mtmfft: cumtapcnt doesn't support variable number of tapers
- 981 - ft_headmodelplot doesn't work with a multisphere volume conduction model in the input
- 990 - Incompatibility of new function ft_prepare_neighbours?
- 998 - Convert FT tutorials into testing functions
- 1004 - XXX2grad functions should convert to new sensor representation directly
- 1008 - change cfg.frequency to cfg.foi in ft_sourceanalysis
- 1011 - ft_appenddata using the 'new' source representation?
- 1032 - make the check on the existence of the file in ft_read_xxx consistent
- 1101 - for discussion in the FT meeting
- 1118 - reading ctf data from a dataset where all meg channels are disabled fails with the routines in external/ctf
- 1127 - implement variable loading consistently
- 1136 - ft_checkconfig could support 'custom' error messages
- 1161 - we need a drop-in replacement for the randperm function
- 1167 - ft_appenddata does not work properly for freq data (when the first frequency bin contains nans?)
- 1178 - ft_channelcombination fails with 3rd input argument
- 1195 - integrate fieldtrip spike toolbox with mclust
- 1197 - Problem with reading Neuroscan 4.5 format file
- 1199 - demeaning in ft_specest_mtmconvol should be performed in time-resolved fashion
- 1200 - matlab crashing when starting to use FieldTrip
- 1211 - ft_chantype should be made faster
- 1253 - fieldtrip-bugs should be exempted from most bugzilla emails
- 1282 - alleged bug in ft_topoplotCC
- 1291 - consider to use addpref/getpref instead of the global ft_default
- 1295 - ensure consistent handling of the handedness of the volumetric data with respect to the real-world coordinate system
- 1307 - producing a layout from a bti248 grad structure results in a faulty layout
- 1321 - projectmom in ft_sourcedescriptives suboptimal for time domain methods?
- 1324 - read_trigger and read_ctf_trigger produce different output
- 1325 - positive z-axis points downwards after ft_volumerealign
- 1354 - uint64 object is not needed any more on matlab 2011b
- 1358 - functional sourcedata needs to be interpolated before plotting...
- 1367 - slow speed of niftii file creation using sourceinterpolate.m for 4D datasets
- 1397 - The tutorial about coherence has a bug
- 1401 - Add ft_artifact_shiftdetect
- 1407 - finalize the egi_mff implementation
- 1472 - tutorial for event-related cluster-permutation does not use ft_clusterplot.m
- 1479 - reading in polhemus locations; yokogawa warning and extra .chanpos field
- 1487 - the email lists have changed from @donders to @science
- 1489 - implement support for neurorighter data format
- 1499 - ft_singleplotER does not plot statistical error
- 1506 - test bug to check that the fieldtrip-bus list still works
- 1510 - BEM meshes seem to be intersecting in MEG forward model with openmeeg
- 1514 - ft_spike_select should be merged with ft_selectdata
- 1548 - spike_crossx mex file
- 1549 - Add patch for ft_read_header/data for TNO-specific gTec MATLAB format
- 1553 - add the dcc customized acticap64 and acticap32 layouts
- 1558 - trialinfo lost after artifact rejection
- 1576 - actvsblT cannot handle source data (yet)
- 1582 - The biosemi acqisition does compile not on OSX when targeting 64-bit.
- 1594 - consider whether spm_bwlabel should also be in default fieldtrip
- 1595 - symbolic link in tobi messes up svn on windows disk
- 1608 - new options for mne source reconstruction should be documented
- 1615 - qsubcellfun does not detect java runtime error
- 1633 - ft_databrowser: preproc-window
- 1645 - implement http download of code and data as alternative to ftp
- 1662 - implement support for the scirun data format and use it as FEM testcase
- 1663 - ft_statfun_roc not called properly from ft_getuserfun
- 1664 - Improve neuromag and yokogawa FAQ
- 1666 - convert the example scripts into test scripts
- 1697 - build in support for SPM12
- 1708 - ft_denoise_synthetic sets all grad.chanpos and grad.chanori to NaN
- 1721 - create and add template grads
- 1733 - implement hints for pipeline structure on wiki
- 1734 - redefining indentical trials resulting in different number of samples
- 1741 - ft_read_mri: SPM2 added by default for .mnc volumes
- 1743 - pos2dim3d disappeared?
- 1747 - the reading functions can support URL syntax, download on the fly
- 1751 - Adding the autosync SVN property does not trigger a sync.
- 1753 - allow multiple nested memtic/memtoc calls
- 1759 - ft_apply_montage: sparse matrix multiplication leads to different results than full matrix multiplication
- 1769 - qsubcellfun does not work when parentheses () are present in path
- 1771 - test_tutorial_clusterpermutationfreq only passes on odd revisions... a.k.a. 'the pulsar'
- 1774 - bug binge on 10 October 2012
- 1776 - ft_channelselection: should this produce an error when no channels are selected?
- 1803 - there is a wiki page with "known problems" that predates bugzilla
- 1839 - ft_sourceplot doesn't work for source from timelock data
- 1844 - FT "likeable" wishlist
- 1846 - ft_sourceplot returns multiple labels for one point while ft_volumelookup returns only one label for the same (voxel)point
- 1864 - test_ft_spike_phaselockstat does not exist in trunk/test, but shows up on dashboard
- 1876 - implement support for the PALS B12 atlas in ft_read_atlas
- 1882 - ft_selectdata_old fails to select frequency limits in freq subfield but not in cohspctrm subfield
- 1891 - it would be nice if qsubcellfun could evaluate private private functions
- 1898 - qsubfeval fails if there are spaces in the name of the present working directory or path
- 1915 - HERMES: connectivity analysis software
- 1934 - merge patch from googlecode for surface_intersection in branch
- 1949 - all source code in realtime/bin/win32 needs to be recompiled
- 1955 - implement native support for the NIRS machine at the DCC
- 1970 - inconsistent byte swapping in float32 for communication between Intel and Arduino (endianness)
- 1981 - consider implementing a cheby2 filter in ft_preproc_xxxfilter
- 1983 - ft_prepare_sourcemodel should support cfg.grid.unit
- 1992 - why no use spm8/canonical/avg152T1.nii instead of spm8/templates/T1.nii?
- 2000 - make a python implementation of fieldtrip
- 2007 - Proposed changes to ft_inverse_beamformer_dics
- 2015 - defining gradiometer channels in the neuromag306
- 2042 - ft_electroderealign function does not work for me with method: 'manual' and with method: 'template' & using headshape
- 2050 - visualization functionality, combining different data structures + consistent implementation
- 2057 - support non-bash shell in qsub
- 2067 - No unit conversion in ft_prepare_headmodel
- 2081 - ft_combineplanar with combinemethod='svd' should be improved for raw/timelock
- 2084 - ft_sourceanalysis should give warning if crsspctrm is missing
- 2090 - ft_rejectvisual holds the command-line while browsing trials/channels/summary
- 2094 - loreta missing?
- 2109 - Apply SSP vectors read from a raw file
- 2143 - store meanvar from runica in output of ft_componentanalysis?
- 2145 - explain options surfplot
- 2150 - buffer recording hangs when writing with mobita
- 2152 - ft_rejectvisual: also return trlsel
- 2155 - consistent use of MATLAB vs Matlab
- 2173 - create a tutorial on animal electrophysiology "burst" data
- 2183 - MNE does not allow lambda to be in percentage (e.g. cfg.mne.lambda = '5%')
- 2194 - enhancement: allow ft_databrowser to mark entire trial as artifact with single keystroke
- 2212 - reading egi .raw data with no events not possible with ft_read_header
- 2221 - problem plotting two averages at once with ft_multiplotER
- 2231 - old md4 approach for reading 4D data fails
- 2234 - bug binge august 9: reserve a room
- 2242 - make a youtube video that explains the frequency resolution FAQ
- 2243 - make a youtube video introducing the fieldtrip toolbox
- 2244 - make a youtube video explaining the various types of padding
- 2245 - make a youtube video addressing the FAQ on 50Hz line noise
- 2249 - ft_volumesegment does not return .anatomy field anymore
- 2255 - cfg.previous is very large after source statistics slowing matlab workspace managing
- 2256 - ft_componentanalysis with method = 'binica' does not work, also consider implementing 'mexica'?
- 2263 - lcmv and rv methods
- 2264 - ft_sourceinterpolate does not work on mne method
- 2288 - collect video material from hamburg2013 workshop
- 2306 - get Haiteng started as developer
- 2327 - stay consistent with cfg.parameter being mandatory for freq-data
- 2352 - cfg.statistic in ft_statistics_montecarlo
- 2367 - ft_sourceanalysis: output contains source.method, consider removing
- 2390 - implement support for the XDF data format
- 2411 - implement matching pursuit decomposition
- 2435 - error: different sampling rates in continuous data not supported
- 2451 - Matlab 2013b version bug - interacting with plotting function
- 2492 - ft_plot_topo does not support transparency mask with values other than 0 or 1
- 2493 - qsubcelfun hangs after around 12 submissions
- 2506 - read_zebris.m
- 2535 - Error in ft_apply_montage: gradiometer info not correctly selected?
- 2545 - GUIs loading stuff should use ft_progress 'gui'
- 2546 - ft_selectdata 'avgovertime' does not remove time from the resulting structures dimord
- 2547 - License checkout handling
- 2587 - follow up on the discussion about data analysis assistance within the DI
- 2601 - allow user specification of where qsubcellfun maintains it input/output files
- 2602 - document how to deal with differences in mouse head size
- 2636 - extend ft_electroderealign with automated electrode positioning for 40 electrode mouse grid
- 2637 - *_ouput.mat file not found (yet)
- 2648 - ft_specest_mtmconvol with padding should allow estimates at edge time bins
- 2651 - Inconsistency/Inaccuracy between Beamformer Tutorial and Common Filter Example Script
- 2662 - mismatch between the coordinate system in the atlas and the coordinate system in the data in ft_volumelookup
- 2677 - consider DRMAA as generic backend for qsub
- 2682 - implement support for the neuroscope file format
- 2714 - ft_databrowser displays black screen under some conditions
- 2726 - ft_math takes very long to compute operations
- 2739 - Data Alignment issue for ft_sourceplot (ortho mode)
- 2759 - matlab2014b neighbourplot interactive channel selection does not work properly
- 2765 - senstype gives inconsistent type for planar and planar_combined layouts
- 2768 - Cannot combine opacity and atlas in ft_sourceplot
- 2797 - create FAQ on ft_rejectcomponent(cfg,comp) versus ft_rejectcomponent(cfg,comp,data)
- 2801 - calling ft_stratify gives error when too many Curve Fitting Toolbox licenses are used
- 2814 - mne tutorial does double realignment and segmentation
- 2817 - bemcp output not 'sensible'
- 2824 - implement Harmony: Source Reconstruction in the Anatomical Basis of Spherical Harmonics
- 2831 - add description and summary to both ICA example scripts
- 2850 - ft_eloreta isfield(dipout,)
- 2851 - merge freq2timelock and comp2timelock into ft_checkdata
- 2883 - error('fixme: reorder data fields to match cfg.channel');
- 2889 - enhancement-add optional warning for using default values in ft_getopt
- 2903 - replace the FT findcluster function with the refactored version from LIMO
- 2908 - implement egi_mff writing
- 2919 - interactive functionality ft_prepare_neighbours broken
- 2920 - ft_databrowser: error in custom datatip string function
- 2932 - channel neighbours for Yokogawa KIT system with 208 channels
- 2949 - ft_selectdata does not work with comp (IC) data
- 2950 - ft_rejectvisual returns wrong sampleinfo for rejected trials on concatenated data
- 2957 - revamp functionality to convert between different representation of freq-domain data
- 2958 - ft_connectivity_mim: implement functionality
- 2961 - ft_selectdata: unexpected behavior of ft_selectdata when selecting across time
- 2963 - ft_freqanalysis does not support mirror padding
- 3004 - making cfg.trialdef.eventtype = '?' the default
- 3006 - document the representation and conversion between sparse and full CSD matrices
- 3015 - ft_prepare_headmodel: when calling ft_prepare_mesh, cfg.method may not be configurable for the lower-level function
- 3018 - ft_connectivity_granger: write documentation page: how NOT to compute Granger causality with spectral factorization techniques
- 3019 - error using fieldtrip functions in a gui.
- 3032 - add "restore all" button to GUI for ft_rejectvisual in summary mode
- 3085 - ft_multiplotTFR plots channel labels on top of data matrices, rather than above
- 3086 - ft_analysispipeline gives weird result on anonimized tutorial data
- 3087 - running ERF clusterstats tutorial results in quite different plots from wiki
- 3088 - ft_volumerealign shuts down Matlab when f key is pressed
- 3113 - kiel workshop issues - torso MRI
- 3114 - kiel workshop issues - FEM slow
- 3115 - kiel workshop issues - BEM failed
- 3121 - ft_databrowser channel color changes when identifying channels in viewmode = butterfly
- 3148 - test_old_ft_sourceanalysis_lcmv fails because biomag2010 data is missing
- 3187 - matlab version specific behavior of cfg-tracking (cleanup)
- 3202 - improve support for Tucker Davis Technologies (TDT) files
- 3206 - Tissue confusion in BEM headmodel tutorial
- 3224 - :Size inputs error must be integers: error in non-parametric spectral factorization of partial directed coherence
- 3233 - openGL related issues after last software upgrade of DCCN cluster
- 3236 - Problem with simbio FEM
- 3243 - cannot compile "peer" code using Makefile on OSX
- 3246 - colormap editor is not supported in ft_sourceplot with method=ortho
- 3251 - default conversion into 'cm'
- 3257 - ft_sourceanalysis: MNE with frequency domain data + lambda parameter does not use lambda
- 3279 - cfg.selectfeature doesnt work in ft_databrowser
- 3300 - Plot negativity upwards
- 3356 - ft_platform_supports breaks with optiom 'html'
- 3365 - invalid spm_bwlabel mex mac file under matlab2017b
- 3370 - Interactive use of ft_topoplotER and subplots
- 3376 - nanmean crashes after Windows update
- 3381 - host a copy of the wiki and ftp server in China
- 3410 - ft_headmodel_dipoli doesn't work
- 3421 - ft_prepare_headmodel failing on more than 5 conductivities
- 3430 - applying ft_appenddata to concatenate epochs from different blocks corrupts data
- 3454 - Function in NIRS tutotial 'ft_nirs_transform_ODs' cannot be found because the path is not added
- 3458 - padding in ft_specest_mtmconvol
- 3463 - ft_sourcestatistics does FDR correction wrong