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- 100 - Conversion error in ft_sourcestatistics
- 103 - with addition of optional cfg.inputfile ylim error
- 117 - no longer being used in ft_multiplotTFR
- 124 - different linestyles for multiple lines in the same plot
- 161 - Test Data for 4D bivariate plotting enhancement
- 198 - topoplotER/TFR still defaults using dimord when cfg.zparam is given
- 210 - ft_plot_slice and ft_plot_ortho should be written, probably also ft_plot_montage
- 214 - the fieldtrip/private/triplot function is deprecated and should be replaced by ft_plot_mesh
- 230 - ft_singleplotTFR doesnt handle chansel correctly with cohspctrm data
- 238 - ft_plot_mesh should support plotting of colors that are dependent on the data
- 239 - ft_plot_slice default location of [0 0 0] fails
- 240 - interactive topo/single plotting does not work
- 247 - ft_clusterplot no longer works
- 250 - plot_matrix with saturation as maskstyle gives 'hidden' gray areas
- 254 - call to checkdata in functions like topoplotER/TFR should be based on dimord
- 255 - topoplotER does not accept 1 dimensional data
- 256 - ft_clusterplot cannot plot TFR clusters
- 272 - inconsistent data handling inside multiplotER w.r.t. cfg.inputfile
- 273 - add support for channel-selection in multiplotTFR
- 274 - add support for channel-selection in topoplotER/TFR
- 276 - add support for channel-selection to multiplotCC
- 291 - ft_multiplotXXX, interactive, plots only subset of electrodes for the topoplot
- 324 - ft_topoplotER errors with ft_timelockgrandaverage data (with proposed fix)
- 377 - topoplotER expects .label field instead of .topolabel when called by topoplotIC
- 419 - singleplotTFR is not robust
- 427 - color labels of the lines don't display correctly when using multiplotER with multiple inputs
- 428 - ft_multiplotER is very slow
- 434 - ft_componentbrowser uses a dirty trick for topoplotting that is not supported in ft_plot_topo
- 435 - ft_componentbrowser uses wrong settings for plotting topoplots
- 451 - ft_multiplotXXX and ft_singleplotXXX should be cleaned up
- 457 - coherence tutorial problems because of label and labelcmb fields
- 465 - problem with labels in topoplotIC after pca
- 467 - EGI GSN electrode templates conflict with ft_senstype/ft_senslabel
- 479 - ft_singleplotTFR: coherence data with labelcmb field will not plot
- 497 - ft_databrowser uses wrong settings for plotting topoplots
- 501 - implement a movieplot function for MNE source reconstructions
- 507 - Boxes masking data lines with multiple datasets
- 508 - ft_singleplotER: box sizes of mask do not adapt with ylim.
- 512 - ft_sourceplot can't plot mri
- 535 - can't use ft_singleplotTFR on wavelet/mtmconvol powandcsd data
- 542 - Speed up ft_multiplotER
- 600 - ft_singleplotTFR: mask is not set properly
- 623 - ft_pimplot not in the release anymore?
- 630 - ft_databrowser redraws everything when marking new artifacts
- 657 - multiplotTFR displays incorrect x-axis values
- 669 - Open a new figure only if all possible errors have been checked for
- 671 - rotate, scale, translate
- 672 - ft_multiplotTFR should support different scaling for different sensor types
- 680 - bad axes plotting in ft_multiplotER
- 683 - ft_movieplot for Time-frequency analysis
- 695 - development: improve visualization of MNE source reconstruction results
- 707 - implement a ft_connectivityplot function
- 721 - patch for rejectvisual_summary.m to visually show which trl/chan were removed
- 722 - enable data cursor mode in rejectvisual_summary
- 737 - warning on/off should always revert to the previous warning state at the end of the function
- 749 - ft_select_data does not plot interactive boxes when a singleplotTFR area is selected
- 772 - cannot topo- and multiplot neuromag data
- 778 - cfg.megscale cfg.eegscale don't work with ft_databrowser
- 779 - ft_multiplotER : the sensors are out of the schematic head
- 806 - multiplotER with interactive does not open all windows in the same position/size
- 827 - ambiguity in x/y dimensions when topoplotting chan_freq data
- 831 - deprecate cfg.xparam/yparam in plotting functions
- 832 - rename cfg.zparam in plotting functions into cfg.parameter
- 843 - cfg.matrixside seems relevant but not mentioned in documentation
- 870 - fix text display bug in ft_multiplotER with multiple datasets
- 871 - add axes to summary plot in ft_multiplotTFR
- 881 - singleplotTFR fails when the input contains both pow and crsspctrm
- 890 - create mat-files for the mostly used acquisition systems to better reflect the features of the channel positions/ outline
- 896 - plotting of coherence statistics witg ft_multiplotTFR fails
- 915 - layout units and scaling should be consistent
- 951 - the main plotting functions have inconsistent return values
- 952 - functions that return cfg should check on nargout
- 966 - minor multiplotER bug with timing code
- 972 - ft_topoplotER is inconsistent w.r.t. xparam
- 995 - ft_topoplotCC should use strcmp instead of strmatch
- 996 - ft_singleplotER and ft_ft_multiplotER do not plot multiple datasets
- 1009 - ft_plot_topo fails on line 196
- 1019 - implement ft_movieplotTFR
- 1035 - ft_multiplotER fails because the automatic layout is not correct
- 1036 - make ft_sourcemovieER, *TFR, ft_topomovieTFR, *ER
- 1037 - move code in ft_topoplotER to ft_topoplotTFR and let *ER call *TFR
- 1060 - biosemi layouts have wrong&double labels
- 1065 - ft_topoplotER: error in script ft_plot_topo.m
- 1069 - singleplotTFR cannot plot mask of 1xNxM
- 1076 - resolve the indx input argument that is used in ft_topoplotTFR
- 1079 - the cfg parsing of ft_multiplotTFR fails
- 1149 - clarify the options that specify what to plot
- 1152 - ft_databrowser fails to zoom out more than 10 seconds in CTF MEG data
- 1185 - ft_connectivityplot should be extended to also support time and time_freq
- 1212 - ft_layoutplot fails to plot the labels
- 1213 - request: shut off fprintf if'none' in ft_databrowser?
- 1215 - problems plotting continuous resting data at sensor level using ft_miltiplotER
- 1223 - the scaling of the three orthoplots in ft_sourceplot is inconsistent
- 1239 - Highlightchannel issue with topoplot
- 1243 - topoplotIC will not plot in separate subplots
- 1272 - ft_multiplotER - maskparameter does not work
- 1278 - ft_multiplotTFR with cfg.interactive='yes' results in improper singleplots when cfg.baselinetype='relchange'
- 1289 - plotting functions could change the figure window title
- 1357 - ft_singleplotER crashes on single channel freq data
- 1371 - ft_plot_topo (/ER/TFR) should support nan values per channel
- 1447 - implement highlighting in ERP figures (multi and singleplot) with the potential difference
- 1448 - mask in ft_singleplotTFR
- 1459 - ft_multiplotTFR needs some fixes
- 1463 - improve the quality control for the plotting functions
- 1475 - Alignment of layout problem in ft_plot_topo.m
- 1476 - cfg.interactive, xlim/ylim not kept
- 1492 - unexpected behavior ft_multiplotTFR: when calling with 4d input the result is empty topoplot
- 1499 - ft_singleplotER does not plot statistical error
- 1511 - make test scripts for plotting functions
- 1515 - databrowser with viewmode=vertical should get better vertical ticks
- 1527 - ft_sourceplot fails on a source structure with a single frequency
- 1529 - unexpected behavior of ft_plot_ortho
- 1530 - ft_sourceplot fails on parameterselection
- 1553 - add the dcc customized acticap64 and acticap32 layouts
- 1568 - EGI layout fails for ft_databrowser with components
- 1569 - layout file for .sfp EGI 256 to use with databrowser
- 1573 - GrandAVG and Stats can't be plottet on anatomy or be interpolated on an MRI
- 1606 - ft_plot_slice fails for orientation different than z-direction
- 1607 - realigning channel order changes ft_topoplots
- 1609 - ft_sourceplot ortho method: error
- 1610 - autodetected layout for ctf151 has 1e-10 width and height
- 1620 - ft_databrowser: continuous = yes, fetch_data error error: some of the requested samples occur twice in the data
- 1621 - ft_databrowser: viewmode vertical, default vertical scaling does not make sense (too zoomed out)
- 1623 - ft_databrowser: when continuous = 'yes', last segment is stretched disregarding the horizontal scaling
- 1624 - ft_databrowser: ft_prepare_layout is called much more often then necessary when plotting components
- 1625 - ft_databrowser: plotting components is terribly slow
- 1626 - ft_plot_topo: current vs previous argin fails for ft_databrowser with components, resulting in recomputing the mask each time
- 1627 - Button click command do not respond as extected in ft_databrowser
- 1628 - ft_databrowser: when cfg.ploteventlabels is the default, events are plotted on top of each other, making them unreadable
- 1629 - ft_databrowser: implement right-click context menu for 'selfun'
- 1631 - ft_select_range: add context menu capabilities
- 1632 - inventorize common usage of keyboard shortcuts
- 1633 - ft_databrowser: preproc-window
- 1634 - ft_databrowser: check consistency of topoplots when using mat-files for layouts
- 1635 - ft_databrowser: rework browse_simplefft
- 1636 - ft_select_range uses data limits instead of figure axis limits for horizontal selection
- 1639 - ft_select_range: change order of callback input arguments
- 1640 - ft_select_range: attempt to change implementation context menu
- 1641 - ft_databrowser: implement magical mouse-wheel-scrolling
- 1642 - ft_databrowser: implement even more magical data-dragging
- 1655 - investigate best way to handle user interfaces
- 1661 - ft_databrowser: NaN-padding is now inconsistently applied both in the function, and by fetch_data
- 1696 - could ft_sourcemovie accept inflated surfaces? could its output be saved in a movie file?
- 1698 - add 'fieldtrip' button to menu bar of figures
- 1712 - ft_databrowser: channel-labels are displayed in Tex, distorting '_' and such
- 1729 - unequal frequency axis cannot be plotted properly (ft_singleplotTFR/ft_plot_matrix)
- 1752 - implement a circular layout for ft_prepare_layout
- 1760 - the horizontal axis in ft_multiplotER is at a weird location
- 1763 - defining electrode position with fieldname 'elecpos' doesn't work
- 1800 - ft_topoplotER does not map correctly channels in data to channels in topoplot
- 1833 - update ft_plot_mesh for hexahedra and tetrahedra
- 1839 - ft_sourceplot doesn't work for source from timelock data
- 1846 - ft_sourceplot returns multiple labels for one point while ft_volumelookup returns only one label for the same (voxel)point
- 1871 - plotting fails for single precision data
- 1879 - ft_plot_vector breaks because it needs iscolumn
- 1894 - ft_xxxplot does not work anymore after updating
- 1943 - identify channel function in ft_databrowser does not yield correct channel
- 1977 - unexpected interaction between masking and the handling of nan values
- 1978 - implement plotting for localspheres headmodels
- 2021 - unit conversion in ft_plot_sens
- 2031 - fieldtrip menu item is added multiple times
- 2032 - ft_sourceplot: build in check for matching coordsys when using method = 'surface'
- 2043 - ft_connectivityplot missing cfg option
- 2050 - visualization functionality, combining different data structures + consistent implementation
- 2052 - topoplots' window title now show ft_topoplotTFR when it should in fact be ft_topoplotER
- 2059 - in ft_topoplotER
- 2065 - ft_databrowser: for a test case, 30s of databrowsing is caused by 20s of plotting text
- 2077 - ft_volumerealign should support dragging
- 2079 - ft_sourceplot with method=surface and input = output from statistics displays the same slice multiple times
- 2101 - Provenance very big, makes plotting and executing functions very slow
- 2105 - ft_movieplotER: isolines do not change together with color while 'playing the movie'
- 2127 - ft_sourceplot always outputs "INTERACTIVE MODE SPECIAL"
- 2139 - add cfg.preproc to plotting routines?
- 2159 - ft_plot_vector complains it does not know how to plot in the appropriate color
- 2160 - ft_multiplotER does not support multiple inputs with different time axes
- 2165 - automatic figure renaming does not check whether figure name is user specified
- 2167 - have ft_sourceplot read surface from other than *.mat file
- 2179 - ft_singleplotER: call to ft_checkconfig(...,'createsubcfg','preproc') causes crash
- 2192 - should ft_sourceplot in ortho mode produce square pixels (i.e. isotropic image)?
- 2203 - font size is too small in ft_databrowser
- 2204 - ft_preprocessing demean with baselinewindow doesn't work
- 2228 - be consistent with opening new figure windows
- 2273 - DataBrowser does not display artifacts that have no artifact padding
- 2277 - show mask as contours
- 2283 - ft_connectivityplot needs a legend in case of multiple inputs
- 2296 - ft_databrowser Component View: Component Number Missing
- 2299 - ft_databrowser should support Matlab's data cursor
- 2316 - ft_databrowser crash on Windows 7 (plotting component data)
- 2317 - ICA plots look different in databrowser vs. topoplot
- 2320 - Interactivity and subplot
- 2325 - ft_multiplotER and ft_singleplotER do not plot the ERP/F waveform
- 2337 - ft_topoplotER calls ft_freqbaseline on frequency data without time axis
- 2344 - Non-Linear axis in ft_singleplotTFR
- 2354 - averaging of avg/rpt fails for ERFs in ft_topoplot/topoplot_common
- 2376 - Plotting elec for spherical model fails due to chanpos/elecpos mismatch
- 2386 - plot electrodes as disks in ft_plot_sens
- 2438 - improve ft_plot_sens for plotting electrodes
- 2440 - ft_singleplotTFR fails when plotting anything other than 'powspctrm'
- 2443 - ft_multiplotER wants to have cfg.refchannel in powandcsd data, although I want to plot powspctrm
- 2451 - Matlab 2013b version bug - interacting with plotting function
- 2454 - Allow 'zeromax' and 'minzero' for cfg.zlim in ft_topoplotTFR and ft_singleplotTFR
- 2485 - series of small topoplots of cohspctrm does not work
- 2492 - ft_plot_topo does not support transparency mask with values other than 0 or 1
- 2496 - change order of isolines and surface plotting in ft_plot_topo
- 2501 - databrowser displays old events after appending data
- 2516 - using ft_sourceinterpolate and ft_sourceplot for 2D, 3D, 4D and 5D data
- 2527 - ft_sourceplot does not plot color data
- 2531 - surfaceplot made by ft_sourceplot sparing thefrontal lobes
- 2545 - GUIs loading stuff should use ft_progress 'gui'
- 2564 - ft_multiplotTFR: cfg.mastyle = always highlight
- 2574 - ft_plot_topo: added imagesc+saturation for saving nicely vectorized topo's
- 2588 - ft_databrowser identifies wrong channel in butterfly mode
- 2591 - ft_databrowser does not handle cfg.*scale for opt.curdat
- 2600 - slice plot fails when nslices=1
- 2603 - make template layout for mouse EEG system
- 2619 - ft_sourceplot is forced to be interactive
- 2620 - ft_multiplotER ignores the cfg.showoutline option and always plots it
- 2623 - Create function to 'reverse parcellate' data, to allow for visualisation at source-level
- 2627 - Possible bug with 'outline' option in ft_singleplotTFR
- 2640 - ft_plot_slice does not draw the intersection with a surface mesh correctly
- 2654 - ft_sourceplot functional image scaling trouble
- 2657 - ft_topoplotTFR crashes due to undefined variable 'comp'
- 2661 - unknown variable inputcoord ft_volumelookup
- 2662 - mismatch between the coordinate system in the atlas and the coordinate system in the data in ft_volumelookup
- 2681 - data cursor functionality in ft_databrowser is broken
- 2687 - fontsize in ft_multiplotER
- 2699 - ft_sourceplot keeps printing 'yes' when clicking around in ortho mode
- 2706 - merge the crosshair plotting
- 2708 - clarify contrastlim versus colorlim/clim in ft_sourceplot
- 2721 - mask is not handled correctly in ft_multiplotTFR
- 2722 - maskparameter is not passed along properly in ft_multiplotER
- 2727 - ft_clusterplot has regression error due to change in r9830
- 2739 - Data Alignment issue for ft_sourceplot (ortho mode)
- 2745 - ft_clusterplot cannot plot clusters per time point as shown in the tutorial
- 2812 - Error when running "ft_singleplotTFR"
- 2820 - ft_sourceinterpolate has missing dim variable declaration
- 2845 - ft_sourceinterpolate failed to align functional to structural
- 2846 - ft_sourcemovie: restructure the code
- 2856 - keyboard does not work using GUI from ft_artifact_zvalue
- 2857 - ft_artifact_zvalue interactive GUI fails in 2014b and keyboard buttons don't work
- 2868 - select3d function is missing in private folder
- 2876 - ft_singleplotTFR only uses first 64 entries in colormap
- 2878 - ft_databrowser: redrawing is several times slower for viewmode = vertical than butterfly
- 2899 - create template layouts for EGI nets
- 2900 - correction to ft_sourceplot sulci/gyri color
- 2915 - Field assignment to a non-structure array object is an error in R2015b
- 2920 - ft_databrowser: error in custom datatip string function
- 2921 - ft_databrowser: extremely tiny figure title (trial counter)
- 2930 - Inconsistencies in plotting with recent Matlab versions (Matlab2015a) and previous versions (2012b)
- 2932 - channel neighbours for Yokogawa KIT system with 208 channels
- 2942 - ft_clusterplot in Tutorial on cluster permutation for event related stats does not work
- 2943 - should the low-level plotting functions modify axis aspects?
- 2955 - implement saturation option in ft_plot_mesh
- 2960 - adding ft_plot_patch.m
- 2980 - possible speed increase: allow ft_plot_XXX functions to work with vpos being a vector (instead of only scalar)
- 2997 - implement saturation in ft_sourceplot for surfaces
- 3000 - saturation masking in ft_plot_matrix/topo leads to grey colors for many colormaps
- 3013 - ensure consistent handling of axis and voxel dimensions when ortho-plotting
- 3017 - ft_plot_mesh crashes with cfg.method = 'surfaceonly'
- 3020 - in ft_plot_mesh mesh = fixpos(mesh); is called without checking whether mesh is a structure
- 3023 - layout problem if sensor at (0,0,0)
- 3033 - support on-the-fly combined planar data in ft_databrowser and elsewhere
- 3059 - implement, extend, and document ECoG/sEEG visualization tools
- 3079 - ensure consistent handling of figure titles
- 3085 - ft_multiplotTFR plots channel labels on top of data matrices, rather than above
- 3097 - create a figure handle output in ft_plot_dipole
- 3121 - ft_databrowser channel color changes when identifying channels in viewmode = butterfly
- 3123 - ft_databrowser keyboard command queue is erratic
- 3137 - ft_databrowser: upper and lower channels outside of plotting area when cfg.viewmode='vertical'
- 3146 - translate vlim and hlim in multiplot to ylim and xlim
- 3157 - implement square coils in ft_plot_sens for elekta
- 3167 - New problems in ft_plot_sens
- 3172 - ft_plot_sens doesn't work with electrode templates
- 3192 - Colorspecification for ft_plot_mesh does not allow spelled out colors
- 3231 - Problems with plotting montaged grads in ft_plot_sens
- 3233 - openGL related issues after last software upgrade of DCCN cluster
- 3245 - we should have a CTF151 layout with the fancy helmet
- 3246 - colormap editor is not supported in ft_sourceplot with method=ortho
- 3247 - ft_plot_slice does not add slices to existing figure
- 3248 - ft_plot_sens does not allow to specify the colors of the electrodes
- 3252 - hpos and vpos are used in two different ways
- 3260 - inconsistent surface/cortex colors
- 3261 - ft_multiplotTFR with maskstyle = 'saturation' with non-evenly spaced frequency bands shows incorrect axis labels
- 3275 - allow sEEG (i.e. not ECoG but depth electrodes) to be visualized with ft_sourceplot
- 3296 - trial selection fails in ft_multiplotER (and possibly ft_multiplotTFR)
- 3300 - Plot negativity upwards
- 3317 - ft_singleplotTFR and ft_multiplotTFR show useless warnings
- 3325 - Proposed enhancement to coloring of sensors/electrodes in ft_plot_sens
- 3333 - default_interpmethod not defined in ft_plot_topo, when handling nans
- 3334 - create ft_appendlayout
- 3345 - the multi, single and topoplotting functions should use ft_selectdata
- 3348 - the comment (COMNT) should be updated when using the hotkeys in multiplot/topoplot
- 3358 - ft_multiplotTFR fails for non-standard dimord
- 3359 - plotting of bivariate data needs to be tested
- 3361 - highlight symbol is not correct in topoplot
- 3363 - getdimord warning and cfg.comment not working in ft_topoplotIC
- 3370 - Interactive use of ft_topoplotER and subplots
- 3378 - ft_singleplotTFR: mask is set to all ones
- 3386 - masking in singleplotTFR does not to work anymore (but does in version of july 2016)
- 3393 - ft_sourceplot cannot deal with trialaveraged data following ft_selectdata
- 3398 - improve ft_prepare_layout when only few electrodes are included
- 3425 - Plotting issue with cluster based permutation test
- 3460 - Parcellated network analysis cannot be plotted
- 3475 - ft_plot_sens wont plot labels of a linear array of electrodes