Back to the main page.
- 1 - read_header slow for ctf_shm
- 10 - ICA on eeg-data gives complex data
- 14 - preprocess does not work on trial-undefined data
- 15 - topography on databrowser square
- 16 - do not redraw topoplot of component when scrolling through trials
- 18 - bug in PSI calculation in connectivityanalysis
- 23 - error in clusterplot
- 33 - Error in ft_timelockstatistics
- 35 - channel selection in ft_connectivityanalysis
- 38 - ensure correct trl handling in selectdata
- 46 - ft_connectivityanalysis coh/psi bug
- 47 - clusterstat emty neighbourhood
- 49 - ft_topoplotIC interactive
- 50 - databrowser cannot deal with overlapping trials
- 55 - speed up read_event for realtime reading from CTF shm
- 59 - ft_sourceinterpolate crashes on
- 63 - forward function calls public function warp_apply
- 64 - fileio module function calls public function fetch_data
- 66 - convert_units and estimate_units are missing
- 67 - convert_units and estimate_units are missing
- 72 - missing ft_ prefix to filetype calls in read_neuralynx_ds.m
- 76 - unable to read neuralynx nev
- 77 - modules on ftp are not up to date and e.g forwinv not split
- 78 - Toolbox for Chieti data not available
- 79 - ft_redefinetrial with overlapping trials (e.g. after ft_appenddata)
- 80 - LFP dataset with tsq extension cannot be read
- 99 - bug in redefine_trial
- 100 - Conversion error in ft_sourcestatistics
- 101 - argument time undefined in ft_spiketriggeredspectrum
- 102 - cfg.inputfile for ft_prepare_bemmodel with 3 input options
- 103 - with addition of optional cfg.inputfile ylim error
- 104 - topoplotTFR cannot correctly refer to topoplotER with cfg.inputfile
- 106 - trl in checkdata
- 120 - pre-allocate mne
- 125 - bug related to renaming of rt_* files
- 127 - error using flag for improved freqanalysis
- 133 - ft_connectivityanalysis averaging trials bug
- 135 - allowuser not updated
- 155 - ft_read_data returns data in int32 format
- 157 - ft_resampledata deletes cfg.trl
- 158 - improve scheduling in peerfeval
- 159 - wrong peerlist
- 171 - unknown path during peerexec
- 196 - external/afni: isrow is a builtin in Matlab R2010b
- 231 - offset2time does not exist on the standard path
- 232 - matlab71 does not have mwSize, buffer won't compile
- 233 - compilation of mex files does not work on matlab71
- 234 - conditional defines in Makefile not allowed on older RedHat version
- 235 - bsxfun is not supported on matlab71
- 236 - ctf acquisition cannot keep up with 407 channels at 600 Hz
- 246 - svn server does not send the updates to twitter
- 288 - dokuwiki software needs to be updated
- 289 - front page: rss feed for maillist is not available on mailman
- 291 - ft_multiplotXXX, interactive, plots only subset of electrodes for the topoplot
- 376 - documentation on ft_dipolesimulation
- 411 - bugzilla repaired
- 418 - ft_prepare_leadfield: variable "grid" is not initialized
- 448 - font colour too light in search results on wiki
- 485 - ft_artifact_zvalue call to non-ft_ prefixfunction
- 511 - warning using ft_write_volume
- 512 - ft_sourceplot can't plot mri
- 546 - matlab startup error
- 549 - ft_volumesegment crashes on ft_getopt
- 550 - ft_volumesegment crashes on SPM, while segmenting its own template
- 555 - ft_plot_mesh on reference channels
- 568 - ft_volumesegment now outputs wrong dimensions of dim field
- 571 - peer resulting in matlab crash
- 582 - 'q' in ft_databrowser doesnt work when in 'component' viewmode/input
- 593 - ft_databrowser crashes on data which was obtained with ft_appenddata
- 625 - cfg.statistic='ttest' not exist in prepare_design.m
- 655 - ft_defintrial at central storage of donders crashes after last nights update
- 666 - CTF system fault writing data?
- 671 - rotate, scale, translate
- 673 - output of ft_dipolefitting is incorrect
- 678 - volume conductor doesn't look good
- 679 - QuikCap 128 NSL layout
- 695 - development: improve visualization of MNE source reconstruction results
- 718 - ft_apply_montage of ft_megplanar causes ft_topoplotTFR problems after ft_rejectcomponent
- 719 - MEGrealign misplaces sensor
- 727 - misleading help about cfg options in ft_volumesegment causes error
- 731 - read digital trigger on neuromag system
- 778 - cfg.megscale cfg.eegscale don't work with ft_databrowser
- 781 - Incorrect memavail reading peerslave command line executable
- 785 - ft_volumesegment is giving me an error message
- 868 - ft_neighbourselection miss sensors after ft_rejectcomponent
- 881 - singleplotTFR fails when the input contains both pow and crsspctrm
- 886 - ft_read_mri requires SPM8 toolbox
- 887 - help of ft_determine_coordsys could be improved
- 899 - senstype does not recognize eeg datastructure
- 900 - ft_determine_coordsys gives an error when mri.coordsys = 'spm'
- 905 - indexing out of range depening on trial-specific number of tapers
- 990 - Incompatibility of new function ft_prepare_neighbours?
- 995 - ft_topoplotCC should use strcmp instead of strmatch
- 996 - ft_singleplotER and ft_ft_multiplotER do not plot multiple datasets
- 1007 - no elec.pnt in the new version (03/10/2011) of channelposition.m
- 1010 - layout of subplots in ft_topoplotER
- 1025 - inconsistent number of tapers
- 1027 - Error when running artf rejection with unequal trial lengths
- 1061 - ft_topoplotER calls itself recursively instead of topoplotTFR
- 1065 - ft_topoplotER: error in script ft_plot_topo.m
- 1068 - ft_read_mri causing a system error
- 1075 - ft_prepare_singleshell doesn't work
- 1081 - ft_read_header.m eyelink ascii 2000Hz data reading error
- 1093 - Artifacts are still rejected after increasing zscore threshold in interactive mode
- 1110 - ft_postamble attempts to address 'cfg' in fieldtrip2spss while this variable is never put in or created
- 1124 - SVN checkout hangs after about 20 files are checked out.
- 1146 - ft_selectdata with no selected trials
- 1158 - Wrong channeighbstructmat in newer ft versions
- 1200 - matlab crashing when starting to use FieldTrip
- 1226 - nanstd: segmentation fault on single precision
- 1240 - ft_read_data call ft_filetype over and over again in call to ft_getopt
- 1254 - Error when running compiled qsub job
- 1263 - Contact Artinis for updated buffer for in NIRS acquisition
- 1264 - Revive automated testing
- 1272 - ft_multiplotER - maskparameter does not work
- 1273 - Error in qsubcompile when nodename has "-" in it
- 1292 - Make online list with publications relevant for the FieldTrip buffer
- 1294 - ft_redefinetrial.m rare channel label output
- 1300 - test_ft_timelockanalysis fails on k=18
- 1301 - Organize bugs to work on during bug-binge 20120201
- 1325 - positive z-axis points downwards after ft_volumerealign
- 1329 - instructions to sourcegrandaverage and sourcestatistics are not clear in combination with the sourcestatistics example script
- 1332 - No data shown with ft_topoplotER after ft_freqanalysis (tfr, keep trials)
- 1334 - stacking in qsubcellfun does not work together with StopOnError=false
- 1336 - StopOnError=false does not work with exceeded walltime errors
- 1339 - wrong number of sensors from bti2grad
- 1340 - PROGRESS
- 1357 - ft_singleplotER crashes on single channel freq data
- 1362 - vol structure does not contain a .mat field, which leads ft_prepare_leadfield to crash
- 1378 - ft_getopt.mexglx looks for
- 1380 - ft_checkdata fails with 'source' data with .pos field
- 1392 - ft_prepare_leadfield calls 'unknown' ft_preamble
- 1396 - One of the test scripts crashes matlab
- 1397 - The tutorial about coherence has a bug
- 1421 - test_bug1309 ends with SVD error on NaN
- 1440 - fixname doesn't parse filename correctly leading to error in warning once
- 1455 - yokogawa2grad_new
- 1469 - inputfile in ft_preprocessing
- 1475 - Alignment of layout problem in ft_plot_topo.m
- 1498 - documentation of baseline type in ft_singleplotTFR
- 1504 - ft_timelockanalysis error when averaging response-locked data
- 1513 - grid and vol different units (neuromag data)
- 1531 - triang didn't work for mtmconvol because of extra [] input argument
- 1532 - Siemens acquisition software cannot be recompiled
- 1564 - Creation of trialinfo field using ft_redefinetrial
- 1570 - ft_filetype overlapping between eyelink and itab MEG header *.asc file extension
- 1573 - GrandAVG and Stats can't be plottet on anatomy or be interpolated on an MRI
- 1607 - realigning channel order changes ft_topoplots
- 1609 - ft_sourceplot ortho method: error
- 1614 - ft_default.trackconfig = 'report' results in obscure low-lvl cfg-object error when plotting interactively in ft_multiplotTFR
- 1615 - qsubcellfun does not detect java runtime error
- 1689 - allow exporting of connectivity networks to a common file format
- 1695 - events are not shown in ft_databrowser
- 1701 - ft_senstype fails to detect CTF275 when it is called on a subset of channels
- 1714 - Some automated tests only fail when run on Torque
- 1719 - ensure that the spike tutorial works on Neurosim data
- 1720 - ensure that the spike-field tutorial works on Neurosim data
- 1734 - redefining indentical trials resulting in different number of samples
- 1735 - ft_appenddata doesn't append data correctly --> ft_databrowser and ft_fetch_data failure
- 1748 - read_neurosim_spikes is slow
- 1749 - problem with ft_artifacft_zvalue
- 1758 - ft_freqanalysis does not work on spike structure
- 1764 - speed up volumethreshold (used in ft_datatype_segmentation)
- 1771 - test_tutorial_clusterpermutationfreq only passes on odd revisions... a.k.a. 'the pulsar'
- 1772 - load_dicom_series structure mismatch
- 1788 - ft_electroderealign doesn't work with option cfg.elec
- 1794 - ft_prepare_leadfield output discrepancy between cm and mm units for predefined grid
- 1798 - changes in ft_votype or ft_datatype_headmodel lead to crash or halt
- 1799 - ft_prepare_leadfield fails due to infinite loop in
- 1800 - ft_topoplotER does not map correctly channels in data to channels in topoplot
- 1802 - Error Message Using ft_volumewrite With Tutorial Data
- 1811 - printstruct.m utility does not support function_handle variable
- 1846 - ft_sourceplot returns multiple labels for one point while ft_volumelookup returns only one label for the same (voxel)point
- 1847 - clusterstat gives error for one sided test (cfg.tail = -1) using nonparametric clusterthreshold
- 1868 - Wrong determination of Sampling Frequency leads to error in Morlet Wave
- 1869 - forward/ft_senstype.m calls non existing sens variable
- 1881 - ft_selectdata_new fails to select frequency limits for coherence data
- 1882 - ft_selectdata_old fails to select frequency limits in freq subfield but not in cohspctrm subfield
- 1894 - ft_xxxplot does not work anymore after updating
- 1895 - see Bug 1896
- 1896 - Bug in ft_freqanalysis since yesterday
- 1936 - warning .img file couldn't be opened when ft_volumesegment is used
- 1959 - ft_senstype doesn't detect the appropriate grad type in comp data
- 1976 - Inverse solution with one time point and one trial fails
- 1997 - Java out of memory error
- 2014 - sam beamfomer
- 2015 - defining gradiometer channels in the neuromag306
- 2016 - Choosing lambda in lcmv
- 2017 - CTF segmentation
- 2019 - sensor fusion in neurmag system
- 2021 - unit conversion in ft_plot_sens
- 2022 - nanmean and nansum .mex files bug crashes matlab
- 2025 - 'infinite' forward model not working properly
- 2026 - Suggestion for MRI and MEG coregistration (particularly useful for neuromag users)
- 2029 - Speed problems after the latest read_neuralynx_ncs update
- 2030 - improve documentation for installing openmmeeg
- 2038 - bugs in fieldtrip2fiff
- 2039 - Reading *.smr files
- 2042 - ft_electroderealign function does not work for me with method: 'manual' and with method: 'template' & using headshape
- 2061 - ft_timelockanalysis: variance not computed if any period with dof=1
- 2074 - ft_spike_plot_raster: trial selection results in sparse raster plot
- 2075 - Event Selection GUI (ft_trialfun_general)
- 2078 - ft_singleplotTFR crashes with cfg.interactively='yes' and data cantains NaN
- 2102 - ft_determine_coordsys
- 2118 - inconsistent number of channels in sensor description after ft_freqanalysis
- 2124 - try/catch ME syntax
- 2125 - File not close in read_biosemi_bdf.m
- 2136 - ft_senstype mis-classification
- 2137 - ft_componentanalysis reports a randomseed error on newer versions of matlab
- 2140 - discrepancy between trials/time when filtering in-memory trials with mirror padding
- 2151 - MFF might have discontinuous data
- 2156 - ft_megplanar.m fails when there is a channel label with less than 3 characters
- 2157 - Fietrip version 8101 is 2.3 GB
- 2178 - prepare_mesh_hexahedral should be able to create meshes of different resolution
- 2210 - EGI header
- 2212 - reading egi .raw data with no events not possible with ft_read_header
- 2219 - reading 4D header with empty label
- 2220 - demeaning with a baseline and ft_preprocessing does not work
- 2221 - problem plotting two averages at once with ft_multiplotER
- 2235 - ft_denoise_synthetic changes grad labels
- 2254 - ft_topoplotIC produces warning that interactive plotting is not supported
- 2255 - cfg.previous is very large after source statistics slowing matlab workspace managing
- 2257 - ft_rejectartifact throws an error when replacing artifact with nans
- 2260 - ft_selectdata_new removes .avg field in timelock data if keeptrials = 'yes'
- 2261 - does svn autosync working fine?
- 2262 - ft_specest_hilbert has a problem with padding
- 2269 - ft_rejectartifact does not work for trials with overlapping samples
- 2323 - read EDF does not use gain when negative
- 2333 - Bug in ft_read_data
- 2337 - ft_topoplotER calls ft_freqbaseline on frequency data without time axis
- 2347 - ft_headmodel_dipoli uses invalid FID
- 2364 - If first channel is filled with NaNs complete output of ft_freqanalysis is NaN
- 2389 - 4D-BTi-EEG channels are not recognized with our data
- 2414 - Neuralynx headers include unicode characters, which can crash ft_read_neuralynx_interp
- 2415 - Cannot read event data from biosemi_bdf
- 2417 - Numerical Precision difference in MATLAB interactive session and qsub
- 2429 - Individual BEM, Leadfield and Electrode rotatetd
- 2436 - beamforming at the skull
- 2462 - ft_preprocessing crashes when reading brainvision dataset
- 2468 - ft_sourcedescriptives can not handle output from beamformer_pcc with keeptrials='yes'
- 2469 - ft_connectivityanalysis with method='powcorr_ortho' does not work with freq data
- 2478 - Adapt ft_preamble to detect prior existence of cfg.outputfile and subsequently skip the caller function
- 2479 - timelockstatistics lead to error when averaging across channels
- 2480 - Backward compatibility with TRY/CATCH ME
- 2481 - new FAQ 'how to perform a multiple sessions MEG experiment'
- 2491 - ft_clusterplot should check if cfg.correctail option was use to warn the proper pvalue
- 2493 - qsubcelfun hangs after around 12 submissions
- 2513 - check data field consistency through different data type structures
- 2524 - ft_write_mri (nii output) incorrectly writes non 1mm isotropic data.
- 2525 - ft_read_event only considers event types "input" in eyelink ascii data
- 2528 - ft_math problem with .avg in timelock data
- 2547 - License checkout handling
- 2558 - ft_timelockstatistics crashes because of dimord
- 2562 - time axes numerical imprecision with ft_redefinetrial overlap option
- 2570 - improve the unit handling in ft_apply_montage
- 2580 - bug with preprocessing, abort is undefined
- 2585 - ICA for same data differ even using fixed random seed
- 2588 - ft_databrowser identifies wrong channel in butterfly mode
- 2593 - confusion between cfg.numcomponent and cfg.fastica.numOfIC
- 2596 - ft_sourcegrandaverage with cfg.inputfile leads to error by ft_selectdata / ft_preamble
- 2601 - allow user specification of where qsubcellfun maintains it input/output files
- 2606 - Problem with ft_timelockstatistics (montecarlo) with avgoverchan = 'yes'
- 2609 - ft_sourceplot with cfg.atlas/.roi throws error (line 345)
- 2614 - Reference to non-existent field 'dimord'.
- 2619 - ft_sourceplot is forced to be interactive
- 2621 - ft_volumesegment ignores/breaks mri.unit
- 2641 - Error in ft_checkconfig using ft_spiketriggeredspectrum
- 2650 - check chanunits data saved on disk
- 2663 - ft_rejectvisual sorting of minimum values
- 2674 - spike functions get errors because ft_preamble_trackconfig
- 2679 - ft_read_sens cannot cope with datasets containing both EEG and MEG
- 2689 - ft_datatype returns error because function 'fieldnames' is not recognized
- 2703 - function pos2transform takes only one input argument but in ft_checkdata is called with 2
- 2711 - ft_math checks wether a field is present, then crashes anyways if it is not
- 2726 - ft_math takes very long to compute operations
- 2731 - ft_preproc_bandstopfilter - Number of input arguments
- 2732 - demeaning in ft_resampledata when data has nans
- 2743 - error when calling ft_mvaranalysis (for granger connectivity computation)
- 2744 - in ft_sourcedescriptives source.avg.csdlabel is not consistently updated resulting in an empty cell array
- 2745 - ft_clusterplot cannot plot clusters per time point as shown in the tutorial
- 2749 - ft_source2full fails when dealing with Nvox x Nvox data
- 2754 - selectdata does not avgovertime
- 2812 - Error when running "ft_singleplotTFR"
- 2820 - ft_sourceinterpolate has missing dim variable declaration
- 2825 - ft_electrodrealign does not work with method='template' and using headshape
- 2834 - ft_selectdata/ft_sourceanalysis handling of .crsspctrm when channels have been subselected
- 2838 - Sourceanalysis using MNE doesn't use noise covariance
- 2841 - ft_preprocessing doesn't select channels anymore
- 2842 - ft_sourcedescriptives crashes because ft_datatype_source removed source.avg
- 2845 - ft_sourceinterpolate failed to align functional to structural
- 2848 - ft_timelockstatistics doesn't cluster properly with custom neighbours struct
- 2855 - voxel index missing in montecarlo statistics for source level data using wcm or maxsize methods
- 2858 - ft_sourcegrandaverage error due to .pos field
- 2862 - jobid and pbsid conversion for qsub and qsubfeval
- 2864 - ft_sourcedescriptives produceses NaNs only (since revision 10263)
- 2865 - ft_read_cifti has problems with .dlabel files that have more than 1 NamedMap
- 2880 - Identify bad channels with ft_rejectvisual without removing them
- 2884 - Bug in ft_definetrial
- 2894 - Error while reading Neuromag data - no data in this range
- 2904 - Implement the threshold free cluster enhancement (TFCE)
- 2905 - improve SMR file format to read spikes and lfps
- 2913 - Typo in ft_getopt.c (mxErrMsgTxt) renders MEX-file invalid in R2015b
- 2915 - Field assignment to a non-structure array object is an error in R2015b
- 2916 - negative trlpadding incorrectly disallowed with in-memory data
- 2920 - ft_databrowser: error in custom datatip string function
- 2929 - ft_artifact_zvalue expects function hline - not part of distribution?
- 2935 - ft_artifact_zvalue does not detect jumps
- 2939 - conflict in cfg.headshape.headshape & cfg.individual.headshape in ft_volumerealign & ft_interactiverealign respectively
- 2943 - should the low-level plotting functions modify axis aspects?
- 2950 - ft_rejectvisual returns wrong sampleinfo for rejected trials on concatenated data
- 2952 - build scripts for audio2ft for linux
- 2953 - ft_read_cifti had undefined variable "data format"
- 2959 - prepare_freq_matrices does not work on data that is derived from 'mtmconvol'
- 2971 - ft_sourcestatistics throws away test data, even if specified in cfg.parameter
- 2977 - datset unusable after call of ft_definetrial
- 2979 - sLORETA
- 3011 - error in ft_componentanalysis
- 3017 - ft_plot_mesh crashes with cfg.method = 'surfaceonly'
- 3021 - github and svn not synced to latest version
- 3035 - ft_apply_montage incorrectly deals with channels containing NaNs
- 3045 - tcdf in external/stats is not fully compatible with its counterpart in matlab R2015b
- 3050 - implement support for the SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI) eye tracker
- 3051 - ft_read_header jams for Neuromag .fiff file, because reliance on "fiff_read_epochs" that does not appear part of MNE toolbox
- 3055 - ft_prepare_headmodel 'dipoli' output does not contain the vol.mat field
- 3063 - build support for Nihon Koden M00 data files
- 3067 - beamformer_sam with precomputed leadfields and filters
- 3069 - both website and bugzilla have been very slow and unresponsive recently
- 3071 - ft_version leaves excessive tmp files
- 3077 - nargin seems to be both a variable and a function in ft_rejectcomponent
- 3085 - ft_multiplotTFR plots channel labels on top of data matrices, rather than above
- 3086 - ft_analysispipeline gives weird result on anonimized tutorial data
- 3087 - running ERF clusterstats tutorial results in quite different plots from wiki
- 3097 - create a figure handle output in ft_plot_dipole
- 3098 - noisy figure output using ft_sourceplot
- 3104 - some workshop wiki pages are down
- 3111 - Hilbert on broadband signal
- 3119 - fitting 2 moving dipoles with constr.sequential = 1 probably wrong
- 3129 - appendstruct doesn't run
- 3130 - the whole wiki is down
- 3138 - improve support for R2016b
- 3144 - ft_checkdata_sens returns error when using MEG structs that worked fine last week
- 3154 - Elekta MEG channel selection broken
- 3155 - ft_channelselection returns "Empty cell array" when senstype is neuromag306_combined
- 3160 - ft_sourceanalysis cannot deal with larger .grad structure than data
- 3162 - beamformer noise estimation on rank-deficient covariance
- 3178 - error in preparing FEM head model for standard MRI
- 3201 - ft_read_header and/or ft_read_sens cannot get elec and grad information
- 3211 - ft_sourceinterpolate: failure to reshape funparameter data into cubic shape + retainment of pos
- 3212 - ft_connectivityanalysis with source data (pcc) in input, failure to correctly reshape the output
- 3216 - DFT filter is not applied for multiple harmonics, if different numbers samples are needed to fit the full cycle
- 3218 - ft_rejectvisual recalculates metric after each trial when data contains NaNs
- 3219 - ft_rejectartifact with reject='nan' ignores trials that are entirely marked as artifact
- 3220 - ft_componentanalysis doesn't accept NaNs in the data
- 3223 - ft_databrowser sets ylim to [NaN NaN] when first trial consists entirely of NaNs
- 3226 - ft_preprocessing gives error "Reference to non-existent field 'checkmaxfilter'."
- 3258 - Compilation of MEX files for Octave
- 3264 - ft_math does not work on raw data structures
- 3308 - Generic syntax description with funname
- 3309 - Warning concerning short-circuit operations in Octave
- 3310 - Spurious display with upper case warning states
- 3312 - Use gammaln instead of lgamma in betapdf.m
- 3315 - ft_filetype's check of MATLAB header is too strict for Octave
- 3317 - ft_singleplotTFR and ft_multiplotTFR show useless warnings
- 3323 - HTML elements with ft_warning in command line mode
- 3324 - ft_warning and backtrace
- 3326 - problem with ft_warning
- 3328 - error with new notification system
- 3332 - File Not found: missing images on ICA tutorials (easy to fix)
- 3352 - MATLAB compatibility with narginchk/nargoutchk
- 3353 - using ft_sourceparcellate fails for max, min and maxabs methods fail if a tissue in the atlas is not found in the source,
- 3356 - ft_platform_supports breaks with optiom 'html'
- 3370 - Interactive use of ft_topoplotER and subplots
- 3378 - ft_singleplotTFR: mask is set to all ones
- 3391 - ft_sourcestatistics documents cfg.roi and cfg.atlas
- 3416 - problem in ft_channelcombination
- 3425 - Plotting issue with cluster based permutation test
- 3435 - Syntax error using vol2mesh
- 3448 - dft filter (freq) increases the spectral power (freq) rather than decrease it
- 3458 - padding in ft_specest_mtmconvol
- 3459 - ft_rejectvisual plots all channels and trials
- 3464 - ft_volumenormalise suppresses further warnings